I need help figuring out how to get this to calculate and print the number of times the investment and donate run. I've gotten everything else to run right just hit a road block with that one little part.

 #include <stdio.h>

  //Main Function
   int main(){
       //Variable declaration
       int type,num_donate , num_invest;
       float total, initial_balance, donate, invest, new_balance,t1,t2;
       //user input
        printf("What is the initial balance of the fund?\n");
        new_balance += initial_balance;
        scanf("%f", &initial_balance);

       //print menu for user
       printf("What would you like to do?:\n");
       printf("\t1 - Make a donation\n");
       printf("\t2 - Make an investment\n");
       printf("\t3 - Print balance of fund\n");
       printf("\t4 - Quit\n");
       printf("Which would you like to do?\n");
       scanf("%d", &type);

       // continue until user inputs 4 to quit
       while(type != 4){
          switch (type){
             //Donation case
             case 1:
                printf("How much would you like to donate?\n");
                scanf("%f", &donate);
                t1=donate + t1;

            //Investment case
             case 2:
                printf("How much would you like to invest?\n");
                scanf("%f", &invest);
                if(invest > donate)
                printf("You cannot make an investment of that amount\n");
                t2=invest - 2;

            //Balance case
            case 3:
                printf("The current balance is %.2f\n", t1 + initial_balance - t2);
                printf("There have been %d donations and %d investments\n", num_donate, num_invest);
                total+= t1;

            case 4:
                printf("Sorry that was not a vaild option\n");
            }//end switch

            //reprint menu
             printf("What would you like to do?:\n");
             printf("\t1 - Make a donation\n");
             printf("\t2 - Make an investment\n");
             printf("\t3 - Print balance of fund\n");
             printf("\t4 - Quit\n");
             printf("Which would you like to do?\n");

             scanf("%d", &type);

             //end loop
             printf("The final balance is %.2f\n",total=t1 + initial_balance - t2);
             printf("There were %d donations and %d investments\n",num_donate, num_invest);

            //end main function
               return 0;