so the question tells me to create something like an address book. It uses switch case.

It acquires me to do the following things:

1) if the user enter 'i', it allows the user to enter it's name, phone number and email.
2) when the user enters 'l', it's suppose to list all of the saved data on the file.
3) when 's' is entered, it suppose to save the data entered in 'i'. when 's' is entered is suppose to be able to save all of the previously entered data.
4) when 'o' is entered, its suppose to read the previously saved data.
5) when 'c' is entered, it suppose to clear all the saved data.
6) when 'q' is entered, it should quit the program.

the program should be able to save the data of up to 50 people.

Please help, much thanks.

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