Hello All!

I'm new to programming and am in my last few week's of an intro course. So far I've managed to understand most of it but I'm stumped with an example this week. I had to manipulate the code and sum the rainfall for each year. Unfortunately, I only get 1 answer instead of 4, and the answer is always 0.0000.

Can someone point me in the right direction? I wasn't able to find a close example in a forum search despite there being many rainfall posts.


#define NUMMONTHS 12
#define NUMYEARS 5
#include <stdio.h>
// function prototypes
void inputdata();
void printdata();
// Global variables
// These are available to all functions
float Raindata[NUMYEARS][NUMMONTHS];
int sum = 0;
char years[NUMYEARS][5] = {"2011","2012","2013","2014","2015"};
 char months[NUMMONTHS][12] ={"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"};
int main ()
  char enterData = 'y';
  printf("Do you want to input Precipatation data? (y for yes)\n");
  if (enterData == 'y') {
    // Call Function to Input data
     // Call Function to display data
   else {
     printf("No data was input at this time\n");
   printf("Please try the Precipitation program again. \n");
   return 0;
// function to inputdata
void inputdata() {
  /* variable definition: */
  float Rain=1.0;  
   // Input Data
   for (int year=0;year < NUMYEARS; year++) {
      for (int month=0; month< NUMMONTHS; month++) {
          printf("Enter rain for %d, %d:\n", year+1, month+1);
// Function to printdata
void printdata(){
// Print data
printf ("year\t month\t rain\n");
for (int year=0;year < NUMYEARS; year++) {
for (int month=0; month< NUMMONTHS; month++) {
sum = sum + Raindata[NUMYEARS][NUMMONTHS];
printf("%s\t %s\t %5.2f\n", years[year],months[month],Raindata[year][month]);
printf("Total rain: %f\n", sum);