In my code for a hangman game below, the lives variable suddenly changes its value from 5 to 0 during runtime:
You have 5 lives.
Put in a letter.
You guessed right.
You have 0 lives.
Put in a letter.
Below is my code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

char *word;

int i = rand() % 2;
printf("%d", i);

switch(i) {

case 0:
word = "string";

case 1:
word = "program";


char *placeholder = word;
int length = strlen(word);
char *temp = malloc( length * sizeof(char) );
bool finished = false;
int j;
int lives = 5;

for(j=0; j<(length); j++) {

temp[j] = '-';


lives = 5;
while(finished == false) {
    printf("You have %d lives.\n", lives);
    printf("%s\n", temp);
    printf("Put in a letter.\n");
    char letter;
    char *stringletter = malloc(sizeof(char));
    scanf("%s", &letter);
    *stringletter = letter;

    if( (strrchr(word, letter) != NULL) && (strrchr(temp,letter) == NULL) ) {

        int index = strcspn(word, stringletter);
        printf("You guessed right.\n");
        temp[index] = letter;

        for(j=0; j<length; j++) {

            if(word[j] == letter)
                temp[j] = word[j];


    } else if(strrchr(word, letter) == NULL) {

        printf("You guessed wrong. You lose a life\n");

    } else {

        printf("You already have that letter. Try again.\n");


    if(strcmp(word, temp) == 0) {

        printf("You win! You guessed the word correctly. It's %s\n", word);
    if(lives < 0) {
        printf("You're out of lives. You lose.\n");



return 0;

I am unsure why this is happening. Could someone help me find out why?