Just a quick question ; I'm trying to write a structure which can hold a bunch of strings and grow as more are added.

Usually when using an array of strings I'd implement it like this.
char **arr = malloc(25 * sizeof(char));
for(size_t i = 0 ; i < 250 ; i++)
         arr[i] = malloc(250);
Where 25 is the amount of elements and 250 is the size of the largest string I would want to store?

Without checking the returns value of malloc , this is just to show my thought process. Am I correct when I say that arr is now a pointer to a memory space which represents 25 other char pointers?

Thus arr[2] for example would be the third pointer in the array of pointers , which I could in turn malloc to make space for a string such as above?

Copying a value to this string would then work as
strcpy(arr[2],"Hello world");

Structure itself:
typedef struct string_table{
        char **data;
        size_t entries;
        size_t chunkSize;
        size_t stringSize;

Allocating memory for the structure and data.
STRINGTABLE *constructSt(size_t cs,size_t ss){
        STRINGTABLE *st = malloc(sizeof(STRINGTABLE));
                return NULL;

        st->chunkSize = cs;
        st->stringSize = ss;
        st->entries = 0;

        st->data = malloc(cs);
                return NULL;

        for(size_t i =0 ; i < cs ; i++){
                (st->data[i]) = malloc(ss);
                        return NULL;

        return st;