Thread: Edit and Delete struct records that are saved in file?

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Edit and Delete struct records that are saved in file?

    Hey guys,

    I am trying to get a few things to work with my code but am unable to get two things within the code to function properly, and wondering if anyone can find a solution that will get it to work.

    A basic rundown of the code is that I have two main files that store the information that is saved from a struct. I can add records fine, search for a record, and link the files together, but I am unable to get the editing, or deleting function to work.

    Does anyone know how I can edit a record that has been made, and also how to delete a record?

    I will be posting the entire code, but the problems lies in the EditSession, DeleteSession, EditChildren, DeleteChildren Parameters.


    #include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #define TRUE 1
    #define FALSE 0
    #define CHILDRENFILE "children"
    #define SESSIONFILE "sessions"
    // child record
        char childForename[31];
        char childSurname[31];
        char guardianName[31];
        char guardianNum[12];
        char homeNumber[12];
        int birthDay, birthMonth, birthYear, childID;
        int sessionID;
    //children record    
    struct SESSIONTYPE
        int sessionID;
        char sessionName[21];
        char sessionTime[30];
        char sessionDay[15];
        char headOfSession[21];
    // Prototypes
    int SessionToArray(struct SESSIONTYPE *);
    void ArrayToSession(int, struct SESSIONTYPE *);
    int ChildrenToArray(struct CHILDDETAILS *);
    void ArrayToChildren(int, struct CHILDDETAILS *);
    int AddSession(int numSessions, struct SESSIONTYPE *);//Add records to borrower file
    void DisplaySessions(int numSessions, struct SESSIONTYPE *);//Display all session records
    void DisplayOneSession(struct SESSIONTYPE session); //Display individual session record
    void SearchSession(int numSessions, struct SESSIONTYPE *);
    void EditSession(int numSessions, struct SESSIONTYPE *);
    void DeleteSession(int numSessions, struct SESSIONTYPE *);
    int AddChildren(int numSessions, int numChildren, struct SESSIONTYPE *, struct CHILDDETAILS *);//Add records to children file
    void DisplayChildren(int numSessions, int numChildren, struct SESSIONTYPE *, struct CHILDDETAILS *);//Display all children records
    void DisplayOneChild(struct CHILDDETAILS, int numSessions, struct SESSIONTYPE *sessions);//Display individual children record
    void SearchChildren(int numSessions, int numChildren, struct SESSIONTYPE *, struct CHILDDETAILS *);
    void EditChildren(int numSessions, int numChildren, struct SESSIONTYPE *, struct CHILDDETAILS *);
    void DeleteChildren(int numSessions, int numChildren, struct SESSIONTYPE *, struct CHILDDETAILS *);
    int Menu();//Main menu
    int SessionMenu(int, struct SESSIONTYPE *);//session sub-menu
    int ChildMenu(int numSessions, struct SESSIONTYPE *, int numChildren, struct CHILDDETAILS *);//children sub-menu
    void EnterSession(int numSessions, struct SESSIONTYPE *sessions); //Enter fields of session record
    void EnterChildInfo(int numSessions, int numChildren, struct SESSIONTYPE *sessions, struct CHILDDETAILS *children); //Enter fields of children record
    void DisplayThisSession(int sessionID, int numSessions, struct SESSIONTYPE *);//Display single borrower record identified by ID - parameter
    void ListSessions(int numSessions, struct SESSIONTYPE *sessions); //Show list of sessions
    char ValidQual(); //Enter valid children qualification
    void DisplayQual(char qual); //Display children qualification
    char ValidYN(); //Function to enter and validate a Y/N reply
    int ValidInt(int lower, int upper); //Function to enter and validate an integer in a range
    char *ValidateString(int maxLength, char *string);
    // Main function
    void main()
        int choice;
        int numSessions, numChildren;
        //Arrays to store files
        struct SESSIONTYPE sessions[100];
        struct CHILDDETAILS children[100];
        numSessions = SessionToArray(sessions);
        numChildren = ChildrenToArray(children);
            // Call main menu - sessions or children
            choice = Menu();
            switch (choice)
                // Process session file
            case 1: numSessions = SessionMenu(numSessions, sessions);
                // Process children file
            case 2: numChildren = ChildMenu(numSessions, numChildren, sessions, children);
                // Quit system    
            case 3: printf("Bye bye\n\n");
        } while (choice != 3);
        ArrayToSession(numSessions, sessions);
        ArrayToChildren(numChildren, children);
    // Copy session File to session Array
    int SessionToArray(struct SESSIONTYPE *sessions)
        FILE *fp;
        struct SESSIONTYPE session;
        char reply;
        int numSessions = 0;
        fopen_s(&fp, SESSIONFILE, "rb");
        if (fp == NULL)
            printf("Existing session file not found. Do you want to create a new file? Y/N: ");
            reply = ValidYN();
            if (reply == 'N')
            // Read first session record
            fread(&session, sizeof(struct SESSIONTYPE), 1, fp);
            //Keep going up to end of file marker 
            while (!(feof(fp)))
                // Copy session read from file to array
                sessions[numSessions] = session;
                //Move to next session in array
                // Read subsequent session records 
                fread(&session, sizeof(struct SESSIONTYPE), 1, fp);
        return numSessions;
    // Copy session Array to session File
    void ArrayToSession(int numSessions, struct SESSIONTYPE *sessions)
        FILE *fp;
        struct SESSIONTYPE session;
        int i;
        fopen_s(&fp, SESSIONFILE, "wb");
        if (fp == NULL)
            printf("Cannot open session file\n");
        for (i = 0; i < numSessions; i++)
            // Write session record in array to file
            fwrite(&sessions[i], sizeof(struct SESSIONTYPE), 1, fp);
    // Copy children File to children Array
    int ChildrenToArray(struct CHILDDETAILS *children)
        FILE *fp;
        struct CHILDDETAILS child;
        char reply;
        int numChildren = 0;
        fopen_s(&fp, CHILDRENFILE, "rb");
        if (fp == NULL)
            printf("Existing children file not found. Do you want to create a new file? Y/N: ");
            reply = ValidYN();
            if (reply == 'N')
            // Read first session record
            fread(&child, sizeof(struct CHILDDETAILS), 1, fp);
            // Keep going up to end of file marker 
            while (!(feof(fp)))
                // Copy children read from file to array
                children[numChildren] = child;
                //Move to next children in array
                // Read subsequent session records 
                fread(&child, sizeof(struct CHILDDETAILS), 1, fp);
        return numChildren;
    // Copy children Array to children File
    void ArrayToChildren(int numChildren, struct CHILDDETAILS *children)
        FILE *fp;
        struct CHILDDETAILS child;
        int i;
        fopen_s(&fp, CHILDRENFILE, "wb");
        if (fp == NULL)
            printf("Cannot open children file\n");
        for (i = 0; i < numChildren; i++)
            // Write session record in array to file
            fwrite(&children[i], sizeof(struct CHILDDETAILS), 1, fp);
    // Main menu function
    int Menu()
        int select;
        printf("\n\nWelcome to the Brimsbury Parish Church Little Foxes Toddler Group session management system\n");
        printf("Please select one of the options below: \n\n");
        printf("1: Enter Session information Menu\n2: Enter Children information Menu\n3: Quit system\n\n");
        printf("Enter a number that corresponds to your choice: ");
        select = ValidInt(1, 3);
        return select;
    // Session Menu function
    int SessionMenu(int numSessions, struct SESSIONTYPE *sessions)
        int choice;
            // Make choice between session file processes
            printf("\n\nYou have entered the Session menu\n");
            printf("This is where you can locate and add information on the Sessions \n\n");
            printf("1: Add a new Session\n2: Display all stored Sessions\n3: Search and display one Session\n4: Edit a Session\n5: Delete a Session\n6: Go Back to the main menu\n\n");
            printf("Enter a number that corresponds to your choice: ");
            choice = ValidInt(1, 6);
            // Do session file processes
            switch (choice)
            case 1: numSessions = AddSession(numSessions, sessions);
            case 2: DisplaySessions(numSessions, sessions);
            case 3: SearchSession(numSessions, sessions);
            case 4: EditSession(numSessions, sessions);
            case 5: DeleteSession(numSessions, sessions);
            case 6: ArrayToSession(numSessions, sessions);
                printf("Session file saved\n\n");
        } while (choice != 6);
        return numSessions;
    // children Menu function
    int ChildMenu(int numSessions, int numChildren, struct SESSIONTYPE *sessions, struct CHILDDETAILS *children)
        int choice;
            printf("\n\nThis is the children sub_system\n");
            printf("You can choose different file handling routines\n\n");
            printf("1: Add a children to file\n2: Display all children on file\n3: Search for a child on file\n4: Edit a child on file\n5: Delete a child on file\n6: Back to main menu\n\n");
            printf("Enter a number that corresponds to your choice: ");
            choice = ValidInt(1, 6);
            // Do children file processes
            switch (choice)
            case 1: numChildren = AddChildren(numSessions, numChildren, sessions, children);
            case 2: DisplayChildren(numSessions, numChildren, sessions, children);
            case 3: SearchChildren(numSessions, numChildren, sessions, children);
            case 4: EditChildren(numSessions, numChildren, sessions, children);
            case 5: DeleteChildren(numSessions, numChildren, sessions, children);
            case 6: ArrayToChildren(numChildren, children);
                printf("Children file saved\n\n");
        } while (choice != 6);
        return numChildren;
    //Add records to session file
    int AddSession(int numSessions, struct SESSIONTYPE *sessions)
        //Enter fields of next session record in array
        EnterSession(numSessions, sessions);
        //Increment number of sessions
        return numSessions;
    //Enter fields of session record
    void EnterSession(int numSessions, struct SESSIONTYPE *sessions)
        printf("Please enter the new Session ID (Format must be between 101 and 999): ");
        sessions[numSessions].sessionID = ValidInt(101, 999);
        printf("Please enter a name for this Session (Up to 50 characters): ");
        strcpy_s(sessions[numSessions].sessionName, 50, ValidateString(50, sessions[numSessions].sessionName));
        printf("Type the day of the week attending (T - Tuesday, W - Wednesday or F - Friday): ");
        strcpy_s(sessions[numSessions].sessionDay, 2, ValidateString(2, sessions[numSessions].sessionDay));
        printf("Please select the time of day this session runs: \n\nM - :Morning (09:30 - 11:00)\nA - :Afternoon (13:30 - 15:00)\n\n");
        strcpy_s(sessions[numSessions].sessionTime, 2, ValidateString(2, sessions[numSessions].sessionTime));
        printf("Enter the initials of the session leader (3 characters): ");
        strcpy_s(sessions[numSessions].headOfSession, 4, ValidateString(4, sessions[numSessions].headOfSession));
    // Display the whole session file
    void DisplaySessions(int numSessions, struct SESSIONTYPE *sessions)
        int i;
        printf("Session ID Name                Time of Day       Head of Session  \n");
        // for every record in array
        for (i = 0; i < numSessions; i++)
    void SearchSession(int numSessions, struct SESSIONTYPE *sessions)
        int searchID; //SessionID Search 
        int found = FALSE;
        int i = 0;
        printf("Enter the ID of the session you want to display (101 - 999): ");
        searchID = ValidInt(101, 999);
        //Loop while there are records in the file and student not found
        while ((i < numSessions) && (found == FALSE))
            if (searchID == sessions[i].sessionID)
                //Display student record
                found = TRUE;
        if (found == FALSE)
            printf("Session %d is not on file\n", searchID);
    void EditSession(int numSessions, struct SESSIONTYPE *sessions)
        int editID; //ID to edit   
        int found = FALSE;
        int i = 0;
        printf("Enter the ID of Session you want to edit (101 - 999): ");
        editID = ValidInt(101, 999);
        //Loop while there are records in the file and student not found
        while ((i < numSessions) && (found == FALSE))
            if (editID == sessions[i].sessionID)
                //Display record found
                found = TRUE;
                printf("Enter changed session name (Up to 50 characters): ");
                strcpy_s(sessions[numSessions].sessionName, 50, ValidateString(50, sessions[numSessions].sessionName));
                printf("Enter changed session day (T - Tuesday, W - Wednesday or F - Friday): ");
                strcpy_s(sessions[numSessions].sessionDay, 3, ValidateString(3, sessions[numSessions].sessionDay));
                printf("Enter changed session time M - :Morning (09:30 - 11:00) A - :Afternoon (13:30 - 15:00): ");
                strcpy_s(sessions[numSessions].sessionTime, 2, ValidateString(2, sessions[numSessions].sessionTime));
                printf("Enter changed session Leader (3 characters): ");
                strcpy_s(sessions[numSessions].headOfSession, 3, ValidateString(3, sessions[numSessions].headOfSession));
                //Display updated record
        if (found == FALSE)
            printf("Session %d is not on file\n", editID);
    void DeleteSession(int numSessions, struct SESSIONTYPE *sessions)
        int searchID; //SessionID Search 
        int found = FALSE;
        int i = 0;
        printf("Enter the ID of the Session you want to display (101 - 999): ");
        searchID = ValidInt(101, 999);
        //Loop while there are records in the file and student not found
        while ((i < numSessions) && (found == FALSE))
            if (searchID == sessions[i].sessionID)
                sessions[i].sessionID == 'NULL';
                found = TRUE;
        if (found == FALSE)
            printf("Session %d is not on file\n", searchID);
    // Display individual session record
    void DisplayOneSession(struct SESSIONTYPE session)
        printf("\n%-11d%-20s%-20s%-20s\n", session.sessionID, session.sessionName, session.sessionTime, session.headOfSession);
    // Display one particular session record
    // This function finds and displays session of the children you're looking at
    // Get ID of matching record thro' parameter passed from children file
    void DisplayThisSession(int sessionID, int numSessions, struct SESSIONTYPE *sessions)
        int found;
        int i = 0;
        // Matching record not yet found
        found = FALSE;
        //Keep looking while not yet end of file and matching record not yet found
        while ((i < numSessions) && (found == FALSE))
            // Check if this is matching record
            if (sessions[i].sessionID == sessionID)
                // Set flag to show matching record has been found
                found = TRUE;
                // Display details of matching record
            //Move to next session
        // If you reach end of array without finding matching record, it's not there
        if (found == FALSE)
            printf("Session not on file\n");
    //Show list of sessions
    void ListSessions(int numSessions, struct SESSIONTYPE *sessions)
        int i;
        printf("Session ID Name\n");
        for (i = 0; i < numSessions; i++)
            printf("%-10d %s\n", sessions[i].sessionID, sessions[i].sessionName);
    // Add records to children file
    int AddChildren(int numSessions, int numChildren, struct SESSIONTYPE *sessions, struct CHILDDETAILS *children)
        // Type fields into next children record in array
        EnterChildInfo(numSessions, numChildren, sessions, children);
        //Increment number of children
        return numChildren;
    //Enter child information to store
    void EnterChildInfo(int numChildren, int numSessions, struct SESSIONTYPE *sessions, struct CHILDDETAILS *children)
        printf("Type child ID: (a number between 1 and 90): ");
        children[numChildren].childID = ValidInt(1, 90);
        printf("Type child forename (max length 30 characters): ");
        strcpy_s(children[numChildren].childForename, 30, ValidateString(30, children[numChildren].childForename));
        printf("Type child surname (max length 30 characters): ");
        strcpy_s(children[numChildren].childSurname, 30, ValidateString(30, children[numChildren].childSurname));
        printf("Type child day of birth (in the format DD): ");
        children[numChildren].birthDay = ValidInt(1, 31);
        printf("Type child month of birth (in the format MM): ");
        children[numChildren].birthMonth = ValidInt(1, 12);
        printf("Type child year of birth (in the format YYYY): ");
        children[numChildren].birthYear = ValidInt(1990, 2099);
        printf("Type guardian name (max length 30 characters): ");
        strcpy_s(children[numChildren].guardianName, 30, ValidateString(30, children[numChildren].guardianName));
        printf("Type guardian mobile telephone number (max length 12 numbers): ");
        strcpy_s(children[numChildren].guardianNum, 12, ValidateString(12, children[numChildren].guardianNum));
        printf("Type guardian home telephone number (max length 12 numbers): ");
        strcpy_s(children[numChildren].homeNumber, 12, ValidateString(12, children[numChildren].homeNumber));
        //Children qualification
        printf("Type session ID: \nPossible sessions are:\n");
        ListSessions(numSessions, sessions);
        children[numChildren].sessionID = ValidInt(101, 999);
    void SearchChildren(int numChildren, int numSessions, struct SESSIONTYPE *sessions, struct CHILDDETAILS *children)
        int searchID; //SessionID Search 
        int found = FALSE;
        int i = 0;
        printf("Enter the ID of the child you want to display (1 - 90): ");
        searchID = ValidInt(1, 90);
        //Loop while there are records in the file and student not found
        while ((i < numChildren) && (found == FALSE))
            if (searchID == children[i].childID)
                //Display student record
                DisplayOneChild(children[i], numSessions, sessions);
                found = TRUE;
        if (found == FALSE)
            printf("Session %d is not on file\n", searchID);
    void EditChildren(int numChildren, int numSessions, struct SESSIONTYPE *sessions, struct CHILDDETAILS *children)
        int editID; //ID to edit   
        int found = FALSE;
        int i = 0;
        system("cls"); //Clear screen
        printf("Please enter the ID of the child you want to edit: ");
        editID = ValidInt(1, 90);
        while ((i < numChildren) && (found == FALSE)) //Loop while there are records in the file and student not found
            if (editID == children[i].childID)
                DisplayOneChild(children[i], numSessions, sessions); //Displays the record that links to the student ID
                found = TRUE;
                printf("Enter revised day of birth (in the format DD): "); //Enter revised day of birth
                children[i].birthDay = ValidInt(1, 31); //Validates the number
                printf("Enter revised month of birth (in the format MM): "); //Enter revised month of birth
                children[i].birthMonth = ValidInt(1, 12); //Validates the number
                printf("Enter revised month of birth (in the format YYYY): "); //Enter revised month of birth
                children[i].birthMonth = ValidInt(1990, 2099); //Validates the number
                printf("Enter a revised home number: "); //Enter revised home number
                strcpy_s(children[numChildren].homeNumber, 12, ValidateString(12, children[numChildren].homeNumber));
                printf("Enter a revised guardian number: "); //Enter a revised guardian number
                strcpy_s(children[numChildren].guardianNum, 12, ValidateString(12, children[numChildren].guardianNum));
                printf("Enter revised session ID: \nPossible sessions are:\n");
                ListSessions(numSessions, sessions);
                children[numChildren].sessionID = ValidInt(101, 999);
                printf("The revised child record is below.\n\n");
                DisplayOneChild(children[i], numSessions, sessions); //Display edited record
        if (found == FALSE) //Child ID not found display error
            printf("Child %d is not on file.\n", editID);
    void DeleteChildren(int numChildren, int numSessions, struct SESSIONTYPE *sessions, struct CHILDDETAILS *children)
        int searchID; //SessionID Search 
        int found = FALSE;
        int i = 0;
        printf("Enter the ID of the Session you want to display (1 - 90): ");
        searchID = ValidInt(1, 90);
        //Loop while there are records in the file and student not found
        while ((i < numChildren) && (found == FALSE))
            if (searchID == children[i].childID)
                children[i].childID == 'NULL';
                found = TRUE;
        if (found == FALSE)
            printf("Session %d is not on file\n", searchID);
    // Display the children file
    void DisplayChildren(int numSessions, int numChildren, struct SESSIONTYPE *sessions, struct CHILDDETAILS *children)
        int i;
        // Keep going for all children
        for (i = 0; i < numChildren; i++)
            if (i == 0)
            //Display current children details
            DisplayOneChild(children[i], numSessions, sessions);
    //Displays one child record
    void DisplayOneChild(struct CHILDDETAILS child, int numSessions, struct SESSIONTYPE *sessions)
        printf("\nChild ID: %2d\n", child.childID);
        printf("Child forename: %-25s\n", child.childForename);
        printf("Child surname; %-25s\n", child.childSurname);
        printf("Child date of birth: %2d%2d%2d\n", child.birthDay, child.birthMonth, child.birthYear);
        printf("Guardian name: %-25s\n", child.guardianName);
        printf("Guardian mobile number: %-25s\n", child.guardianNum);
        printf("Guardian home number: %-25s\n", child.homeNumber);
        DisplayThisSession(child.sessionID, numSessions, sessions);
    //Enter and validate Y/N reply
    char ValidYN()
        char reply;
            scanf_s("%c", &reply, 1);
            reply = toupper(reply);
        } while ((reply != 'Y') && (reply != 'N'));
        return reply;
    //Function to enter and validate an integer in a set range
    int ValidInt(int lowest, int highest)
        int entry;
            scanf_s("%d", &entry);
            if ((entry < lowest) || (entry > highest))
                printf("Error! Please re-enter\n");
        } while ((entry < lowest) || (entry > highest));
        return entry;
    char *ValidateString(int MaxLength, char *String1)
        String1 = (char *)malloc(80);
            gets_s(String1, 80);
            if (strlen(String1) > MaxLength)
                printf("Error.  String too long. Re-enter\n");
        } while (strlen(String1) > MaxLength);
        return String1;

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Read the records into memory, modify/delete the necessary records, then write records that aren't deleted back out to a temporary file. Delete the original file, and rename the temporary file to the original file's name.
    What can this strange device be?
    When I touch it, it gives forth a sound
    It's got wires that vibrate and give music
    What can this thing be that I found?

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    The ChildMenu prototype doesn't match the function definition.

    This is triply-wrong:
    sessions[i].sessionID == 'NULL';
    == should be =. NULL shouldn't have quotes around it (especially not single quotes!). And it shouldn't even be NULL since sessionID isn't a pointer. There's a similar error elsewhere.

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