Hello forum!
However, I do not want the answers to everything.
I'm just very stuck on a single part.

Referring to ->

//function call to IsAWinner - returns to winOrLose variable (0 or 1)
//function call to CompareTheLetters - gives the user a message

For some reason, I'm getting "Error too few arguments in function call". Why am I getting this error?


#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS#include <stdio.h>
#define MAXGUESSES 4

//function prototypes with a comment for each one describing what the function does.
//Copy and paste from assignment

//function prototypes with a comment for each one describing what the function does.
//Copy and paste from assignment

//this function provides instructions to the user on how to play the game
void GuessItRules();
//this function runs one game.
//input: character from the file
//The function returns a 0 if the user wins the game and a 1 if the user loses a game
int PlayOneGame(char);

//ALL FUNCTIONS BELOW are called from inside the PlayOneGame function described above

//this function prompts the player to make a guess and returns that guess
char GetTheLetter();
//input: character from file and character guess from user
//Returns 0 if the guess matches the solution and returns a 1 if they do not match
int IsAWinner(char, char);
//input: character from file and character guess from user
//Prints a message if the guess comes alphabetically before, after, or equal to the letter
void CompareTheLetters(char guess, char letter);

int main()
    //declare additional variables
    //declare FILE pointer
    FILE *inp;
    int numGames, i = 0;
    //letter from file
    char letter;
    //variable for the return of the PlayOneGame function
    //int didYouWin;

    //display instructions
    //connect to the file HINT: use fopen
    inp = fopen("letterinput.txt", "r");

    //get number of games to play
    printf("How many games? (1 to 5): ");
    scanf("%d", &numGames);

    //this for loop will allow the player to play more than one game
    //without recompiling
    for (i = 0; i < numGames; i++)
        //get a letter from file - use fscanf
        fscanf(inp, "%c", &letter);
        //print the letter back onto the screen, just to test
        //printf("\nThe letter is %c\n", letter);

        //Play one game (Call PlayOneGame function)
        //remember the function has an int return type
        printf("Let's play game %d\n", i + 1);
        //tell the player if they have won or lost (test the variable didYouWin)


    //close file 
    return 0;

//Function definitions
//keep the comments from the assignment

//this function prompts the player to make a guess and returns that guess
char GetTheLetter()
    char guess;
    printf("Make a guess: \n");
    scanf("%c", &guess);
    return guess;

void CompareTheLetters(char guess, char letter)
    if (guess == letter)
        printf("You win!");
        if (guess < letter)
        printf("The letter comes before your guess (%c)", guess);
            if (guess > letter)
                printf("The letter comes after your guess (%c)", guess);


int IsAWinner(char guess, char letter)
    if (guess == letter)
        return 1;
        if (guess < letter)
            return 0;
            if (guess > letter)
                return 0;

int PlayOneGame(char solution)
    int numGuesses = 0;
    int winOrLose = 1;
    // user guess
    char guess;


    //As long as the user  has not used up the maximum number
    //of guesses and has not guessed correctly 
    //the game will continue using this while loop
    while (numGuesses < MAXGUESSES && winOrLose == 1)

        //function call to GetTheletter - returns to guess variable
        //function call to IsAWinner - returns to winOrLose variable (0 or 1)
        //function call to CompareTheLetters - gives the user  a message
        //update counter for number of guesses used
        numGuesses = numGuesses + 1;

    return winOrLose;  //(0 or 1)


//add the other function definitions

void GuessItRules()
    printf("Welcome to the Letter Guessing Game\n");
    printf("\nFirst, you will enter the number of games you want to play (1 - 5 games)\n");
    printf("For each game you will have 4 chances to guess each letter\n");
    printf("Let's begin:\n");