Today I wrote a program to multiply two integers and wanted to see how fast I could make it run, and then test it against the on-board multiplication operator (*). When I compile with -O3 (even -O2) I find that in most cases its slightly faster than multiplying two numbers with *. I timed how long it took to run each function 1 billion times and averaged that out over 1 million runs. Is anyone able to explain to me what's going on? Is it simply that clock() isn't accurate enough for this test?

Here is my mult function.

inline unsigned long long int mult( unsigned long long m, unsigned long long n)
    /* Need to check for overflow */
    // x = min( m, n );
    // y = max( m, n);
    // a = product
    unsigned long long x = m ^ ((m ^ n) & -(m > n)),\
                       y = m ^ ((m ^ n) & -(m < n)),\
                       a = 0;

    int i = 0;

          a += (y & -(x&1)) << (i++);
    } while( x >>= 1);

    return a;
Unfortunately, I do not know any assembly so I am unable to get any meaningful information from looking at that.