Thread: New to programming

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Oct 2015

    New to programming

    Hi guys I am completely new to programming. I have basically zero experience.

    For a long time I have wanted to learn a programming language and for no real reason I selected C. I purchased 2 books based off the recommendation from this site and others.

    Let us C and C programming language.

    I've started reading them both and there is a lot to take in and I'm having a difficult time.

    I would really like feedback/opinions on how others got their start? is there an easier book I should be starting from? is there easier ways to learn rather than books? eg. studying at a university or youtube etc?

    Are there other resources I could use such as IRC channels that help out newbies? this forum seems to be for more advanced users, is there other forums I could be going to for beginners help?

    Would really appreciate any help as I really want to learn.

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    I've started reading them both and there is a lot to take in and I'm having a difficult time.
    The universe is telling you that you picked the wrong language. Next up: python.

  3. #3
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by 7stud View Post
    The universe is telling you that you picked the wrong language. Next up: python.
    That is the kind of discouragement that could make a new programmer quit altogether. There is absolutely no place for it in our community.

    Quote Originally Posted by sn00ps View Post
    I've started reading them both and there is a lot to take in and I'm having a difficult time.
    My suggestion would be to stick to one book or the other, at least until you have a solid foundation. I taught myself to program in much the same way you are going about it. I bought lots of books, and worked my way through each of them.

    Are there any specific areas in C that are giving you trouble? I'm certain that someone here can help with whatever difficulties you may be having.
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  4. #4
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    I recommend you try to return that book "Let us C" it is so outdated that it shouldn't be used. Here is a quote from one of the reviews on Amazon.

    it's still about 16 bit integers and turbo c/c++
    Turbo C, enough said?

    The second book is possibly a good reference book for the language, although it is also getting a little old, but I don't recommend trying to use it to learn the language.

    From this sites C book recommendation page you may want to look into C Programming: A Modern Approach, 2nd Edition


  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Oct 2015
    Thanks for the book info, I should have asked before I got the let us c book. Oh well, I will get a copy of C programming then.

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