Hello everybody,
I have met many problem with C because of side-affect but until now I couldn't handle them yet.
I have a code segment that:
x=2; y= 2;
printf("%d\n", ++x + y*x + y*x); // result:11 ?
x=2; y= 2;
printf("%d\n", y*x + ++x + y*x); // result:13 ?

And another segment:
int x=24, y=20, z=90, result;
kq = ++x + y*(z -x);
printf("%d", kq);

outputs the result difference from the code below:
int x=24, y=20, z=90, result;
printf("%d", ++x + y*(z -x));

And many problem that follow with the ++, -- operator.
Who know how to handle these problem or any site that mentions about these, please help me.

Thanks for your kindness.