Thread: Problems printing a linked list.

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Unhappy Problems printing a linked list.

    I'm trying to construct a linked list from a *.dat file, and then display the nodes to verify the read-in. But, when I run the program, I only get the last node displayed to the screen.

    Can someone tell me why this is?


    struct savingsnode
    char comment[32] ;
    char deb_cred[8] ;
    double amt ;
    char date[12] ;
    double bal ;
    struct savingsnode *nextptr ;
    } ;

    typedef struct savingsnode Savings ;
    typedef Savings *saveptr ;

    void save_open( saveptr * ) ;
    void save_display( saveptr * ) ;

    int main()

    saveptr startptr ;

    startptr = malloc( sizeof( Savings ) ) ;

    printf( "\n\nWelcome to Finance Assitant!\n\n" ) ;

    save_open( &startptr ) ;

    save_display( &startptr) ;

    Function: save_open
    Purpose: Opens the savings.dat file and
    creates the savings linked list.
    void save_open( saveptr *sptr)

    FILE *ptrReadDat ;
    char NewLine[256] = {'\0'} ;
    char *tokenptr ;
    saveptr curptr, newptr ;

    ptrReadDat = fopen( "savings.dat", "r" ) ;
    curptr = *sptr ;
    newptr = NULL ;
    curptr->nextptr = newptr ;

    if ( ptrReadDat == NULL )
    printf( "\nFile could not be opened.\n" ) ;

    while( fgets( NewLine, 256, ptrReadDat ) ) ;
    tokenptr = strtok( NewLine, "\t" ) ;
    strcpy( curptr->comment, tokenptr ) ;
    tokenptr = strtok( NULL, "\t" ) ;
    strcpy( curptr->deb_cred, tokenptr ) ;
    tokenptr = strtok( NULL, "\t" ) ;
    curptr->amt = atof( tokenptr ) ;
    tokenptr = strtok( NULL, "\t" ) ;
    strcpy( curptr->date, tokenptr ) ;
    tokenptr = strtok( NULL, "\n" ) ;
    curptr->bal = atof( tokenptr ) ;
    newptr = malloc( sizeof( Savings ) ) ;
    curptr->nextptr = newptr ;
    curptr = newptr ;
    newptr = NULL ;

    fclose( ptrReadDat ) ;


    Function: save_display
    Purpose: Displays the savings account summary.
    void save_display( saveptr *sptr )

    saveptr curptr ;
    curptr = *sptr ;

    if ( curptr == NULL )
    printf( "There is no information to display." ) ;

    while ( curptr != NULL )
    printf( "%s\t%s\t%.2f\t%s\t%.2f\n", curptr->comment, curptr->deb_cred,
    curptr->amt, curptr->date, curptr->bal ) ;
    curptr = curptr->nextptr ;


  2. #2
    Just because ygfperson's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    what, no code tags? to hell i cast you!

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Well, that was helpful.

  4. #4
    Registered User sean345's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    This happened to me once. What happened was I was using malloc and sizeof. What I was doing was taking the size of a pointer and not an actual structure. I did not read all your code, but this might be your problem.

    - Sean
    If cities were built like software is built, the first woodpecker to come along would level civilization.
    Black Frog Studios

  5. #5
    Guest Sebastiani's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Waterloo, Texas
    void save_open( saveptr *sptr) 
    FILE *ptrReadDat ; 
    char NewLine[256] = {'\0'} ; 
    char *tokenptr ; 
    saveptr newptr, curptr = *sptr; 
    ptrReadDat = fopen( "savings.dat", "r" ) ;
    if ( ptrReadDat == NULL )
     printf( "\nFile could not be opened.\n" ) ; 
    while( fgets( NewLine, 256, ptrReadDat ) ) 
       newptr = malloc( sizeof( Savings ) ) ; //...allocate new memory...
      if(newptr == NULL)
        printf( "\nCould not allocate resources.\n" ) ; 
       newptr->nextptr = NULL; 
       curptr->nextptr = newptr ; //...point to new memory...
       curptr = curptr->nextptr;  //...advance to new memory for next iteration...
       tokenptr = strtok( NewLine, "\t" ) ; 
       strcpy( newptr->comment, tokenptr ) ; 
       tokenptr = strtok( NULL, "\t" ) ; 
       strcpy( newptr->deb_cred, tokenptr ) ; 
       tokenptr = strtok( NULL, "\t" ) ; 
       newptr->amt = atof( tokenptr ) ; 
       tokenptr = strtok( NULL, "\t" ) ; 
       strcpy( newptr->date, tokenptr ) ; 
       tokenptr = strtok( NULL, "\n" ) ; 
       newptr->bal = atof( tokenptr ) ; 
    fclose( ptrReadDat ) ; 
    #include <cmath>
    #include <complex>
    bool euler_flip(bool value)
        return std::pow
            std::complex<float>(0, 1) 
            * std::complex<float>(std::atan(1.0)
            *(1 << (value + 2)))
        ).real() < 0;

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