Thread: Uart psoc3

  1. #1
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    Uart psoc3

    I am trying to read some data from UART, and put it in the variable Rxbuffersize and then I am making a comparison between the Received data and the expected data. But what I see on my terminal is not what I send, which is UART_1_PutString("11");
    Do anybody have clue about what is wrong?
    #include <project.h>
    char Rxbuffersize[3]; 
    char i = 0;
    uint8 ans = 0; 
    char response[100] = {0};
    char x = 0; 
    int main()
        if(UART_1_GetRxBufferSize() != 0){   // Returns the number of received bytes remaining in the RX buffer
                    Rxbuffersize[i++] = UART_1_GetChar();  // Get the bytes and put it in the array
                     if (strstr(Rxbuffersize, "1011") != NULL)    //compare the two;
                      UART_1_PutString("11");                    //print this out;
                      ans = 1;  
         while(ans == 0); 

  2. #2
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    char Rxbuffersize[3];
    strstr(Rxbuffersize, "1011")

    Well the latter implies that Rxbuffersize needs to be at least 5 characters long.

    My guess, it's a buffer overflow
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  3. #3
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    I got it to work. though I am having a new Problem. My complier gives me this error: multi- character character constant, when trying to do this
     char array[100] = {'32','11','50','10'};

  4. #4
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    The content between single quotes are characters and will be converted to the integer value of the actual coding (mostly ASCII).
    As far as i see, you give directly the integers, so you should not enclose the integers in single quotes.
    Oh, and you forgot the terminator if you want output this character array as string.
    char array[100] = {32, 11, 50, 10, 0};
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  5. #5
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    Ok thanks. What I really want is to send an index message such as
      char array[100] = {"1,'0','<EOM>'};
    since //"<EOM>" is not an integer, I can't do that right?


  6. #6
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    char array[100] = "10<EOM>";
    This set the characters as text.
    So, the '1' is a character with the integer value 49 and the '0' as integer value 48.

    char array[100] = {1, 0, '<', 'E', 'O', 'M', '>', 0};
    This set the characters one by one to the values.
    So, the first byte has the value 1, the second has 0 and so on.
    But i think this will not work, because the second value is 0 and this means that the character array ends here.
    Other have classes, we are class

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