Quote Originally Posted by YayIguess View Post
a "skin" (by which I'm assuming he means a GUI and despite the fact that my knowledge of C isn't all that in-depth).
First thing is to clarify the assignment. You've said you assume he wants a GUI. But it could be that he just wants a simple text-based menu. You have to ask exactly what it should look like.

I see GTK as the main recommendation (with using Glade for RAD), so I've started reading some stuff but still can't get my head around it atm
In your position I think GTK's own tutorial would be more appropriate. For example, the first section is "Hello, world" and each subsequent section is small enough in scope. And there is an explanation behind signals and callbacks which are used pretty much with any GUI system.


The way to read tutorials is to read through each section and then physically try it out on your own computer. Physically type in the source code into your own editor, don't copy and paste it. But don't copy the comments; instead add in your own comments - those are your notes. After you get a working example program, save it somewhere and refer back to it later when you have a question.

You can't ask the people here to write a Glade file for your program or anything like that. You have to go through whatever you're learning whether it is a Glade tutorial or basic GTK tutorial, try the examples out (i.e. actually type them into your editor, compile them yourself and run them on your computer), try out your own changes, etc. and when you get stuck come here with specific code and questions of how to fix it.