Good evening all. I have a problem with the code I am trying to write that separates an expression into an array. I continually get a invalid page fault in Visual C++ (6). Although I didn't try it on the UNIX server, this usually indicates a segmentation fault on UNIX.

Would someone mind looking at the code below and see why I might be getting a segmentation fault?? T-I-A




	char array[100], exp[100], id[10], num[10], digit[10], letter[10];
	int i=0, j=0;

	printf("Please enter an expression: ");
	scanf("%s", exp);

	printf("%s\n", exp);

	if (exp[i] == '(')
		array[i] = 20;
		else if(exp[i] == ')')
			array[i] = 21;
		else if(exp[i] == '+')
			array[i] = 16;
		else if(exp[i] == '-')
			array[i] = 17;
		else if(exp[i] == '*')
			array[i] = 18;
		else if(exp[i] == '/')
			array[i] = 19;

		else if(isdigit(exp[i]))
				*digit = exp[i];
				*num = strcat(num, digit);
		else if(isalpha(exp[i]))
				*letter = exp[i];
				*id = strcat(id, letter);
		printf("%c is invalid\n", exp[i]);

for(j=1; j<100; j++)
