So I need to create this calculation in a program. Yes this is HW but I am having the utter most difficult time with this. I just need some help understanding why I can't get this to work.

Now honestly, I am very terrible with math and when I saw this equation, be honest, don't know how to even begin solving.

Any help would be much appreciated. This is the code I have thus far. The formula I need to create is below.

Note: variable a,b,c require user input.

Creating this formula-capture-png

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

    float a, b, c; 
    float neper, powNeper, solution;
    float e = 2.71828, pi = 3.1415926;

    printf("\nThis program will calculate 1/2*sqrt(pi/a)*neper number to the (b^2-4ac)/4a power");
    printf("\nwhere variables a-c are inputed by you.");
    printf("\nNote: Pi=3.1415926 (approximately), Neper Number=2.71828 (approximately)");

    printf("\n\na = ");
    scanf("%f", &a);
    printf("\nb = ");
    scanf("%f", &b); 
    printf("\nc = ");
    scanf("%f", &c);

    b = pow(b, 2);
    powNeper = (b - (4 * a*c)) / (4 * a);
    neper = pow(e, powNeper);
    solution = (1 / 2) * (sqrt(pi / a)) * neper;

    printf("/n%.5f", solution);
