I've a serious problem that I'm struggling about not one day or two, about three days respectively or abit more for coding a code to find all possible path of binary maze(just included values 0 and 1, we can just go down/left/up..not diagonally)-tried many methods for coding it and at last I decided a recursion method-I've done with the serious recursion part and all go well -appearing below-, but I dont know why when I compile it, showing there're errors and it gives also a wrong result of, can anyone please help me!!? I'm not meaning forcing you for writing a code, actually the code is already done just need some modifications/tips-as I'm a new programmer and apparently that's considered as a difficult part for noobs, I appreciate your attitudes and cooperation.
Here's the code I've done with:
#include <stdio.h>#include<string.h>
#define M 4 // M is a symbol of a maze's rows.
#define N 4 // N is a symbok of a maze's verticals. 
// Symbols:
// '1' = open-safe way.
// '0' = closed/blocked.
bool validCell(int maze[M][N], int r_idx, int c_idx);
bool findPath(int maze[M][N], int r_idx, int c_idx, int path[N][N]);
void display_maze(void);
int main(void)
    char maze[N][M] = 
    {{ 0,0,1,0 },
                     { 1,1,1,0 },
                     { 0,1,1,0 },
                     { 0,1,1,1 }};
    int i,j;
    //find the path if available//
      if (findPath(maze,0,0,path)) 
    return 0;
// check if we can move to a particular cell//
bool validCell(int maze[M][N], int r_idx, int c_idx) {
   if (r_idx < 0 || r_idx >= M) {
      // invalid M index      
      return false;
   if (c_idx < 0 || c_idx >= N) {
      // inavlid N index
      return false;
   if (maze[r_idx][c_idx] != 1) {
      // cannot move to this cell
      return false;
   return true;
/* finds a path from cell (0,0) to cell (M-1,N-1) if a path exists
   (r_idx,c_idx) -> M index and N index of the cell
bool findPath(int maze[M][N], int r_idx, int c_idx, int path[N][N]) {
   if ((r_idx == M-1) && (c_idx == N-1)) {
      // we have reached the last cell
      // this implies we have found a path
      path[r_idx][c_idx] = 1;
      return true;
   if (validCell(maze,r_idx,c_idx)) {
      // cell is valid i.e we can move to the cell
      path[r_idx][c_idx] = 0;

      // recursively check if a path exists from the current valid (safe) cell
      // start checking from cell (r_idx+1,c_idx)
      if (findPath(maze,r_idx+1,c_idx,path)) {
         return true;
      // start checking from cell (r_idx,c_idx+1)
      if (findPath(maze,r_idx,c_idx+1,path)) {
         return true;
      path[r_idx][c_idx] = 1;
      return false;
I really dont know what's wrong with my code!! and I assure that the recursion part is correct absolutely, I deeply think the error in int main body not in the function itselfs.. If you can tell me what should be re-edited in my code to works finely as appreciated very much.