I am working on a program that can concern a string into a number, such as 245.5. Unfortunately, I am unable to render the decimal part of the number.

Ive delcared my function and vairables as floats. The algorithm needs a little work, but I am specifically asking about getting a decimel value.

#include <stdio.h>

float strToInt (const char string[])
    int i, negative, test;
    float result = 0, remainder, intValue;
    negative = 0;
    remainder = 0;
    test = 0;

if (string[0] == '-'){
                negative = 1;
i = negative;
    while ((string[i] >= '0' && string[i] <= '9') || string[i] == '.')
        if (string[i] == '.' || test == 1){
        test = 1;
        remainder = (string[i+1]/100);
        printf ("%f\n", remainder);
        if (test == 0){
        intValue = string[i] - '0';
        result = result*10 + intValue;

    if (negative == 1){
        result = result * -1;

    return result;

int main (void)
float strToInt (const char string[]);

    printf ("%f\n", strToInt("245.5"));
    printf ("%f\n", strToInt ("100")+ 25);
    printf ("%f\n", strToInt("13x5"));

    return 0;