Hello, I'm working on a data base program in a college computer class and we are using C instead of C++ because the version of cgi that we are using does not support C++. I do not know C very well and I am a little rusty on C++. My problem has to do with a select button (that is dynamic, not hard coded) on a HTML page that the user is supposed to select a job out of a list of jobs and I go get the list of students that has that job and output it to HTML. To get the output I have to pass an array of values and return the index of what they selected into the cgi function cgiformselectsingle. My probelm is passing the values into an array of strings.
For example I get the values "Grader", "Lecturer", "Staff" in a for loop and I have the variable int joblength that has the # of jobs. How do I declare an array of strings to hold these values.
Thank you for any help you can give me and just let me know if you need more specific information about the problem.

thanks in advance,