Thread: VxWorks array of watchdog timers

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    VxWorks array of watchdog timers

    Is it possible to create an array of watchdog timers in vxworks ? If so how do I do it.
    I need to run a timer each time a sensor is set high.

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Watchdog timers, at least in the devices I'm familiar with, have their own independent RC oscillators internal to the device, so that they function even (and especially) if the clock source were to suddenly cease.

    The whole idea of a watchdog timer is to reset a device if it is not cleared in a specific time frame. Therefore, I doubt (but am not certain) that any architecture would require more than one.

    Are you sure you don't just need a regular timer?

    Some devices offer a software command that will reset the device - if you really did need an array of watchdog timers, and that device supported the software-controlled reset, then you could in effect mimic an array of watchdog timers using regular timers.

    Your best bet might be to do an internet search for "VxWorks forum" to find a forum that specializes in this architecture.

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