Quote Originally Posted by anduril462 View Post
That's not your complete program. You're leaving out all the struct definitions, and all the headers (#include directives), plus all your constant definitions. Please provide those, I don't feel like guessing what they are.
 # include <conio.h># include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>

#define PASSWORD 161996
#define TEXTSIZE  80
#define TAX 0.01
#define NUM_DINNER_ITEMS 3  
struct MenuData {
  char  name[TEXTSIZE];
  char  desc[2][TEXTSIZE];
  char  prepare[2][TEXTSIZE];
  float price;

typedef struct MenuData MenuData;

/*Initialization of array elements MenuData*/

const MenuData breakfast[NUM_BREAKFAST_ITEMS] = {

  {"Egg Breakfast", "Two eggs with a side of bacon and two slices of toast.", "", "2 Eggs, 2 Toats, 2 Bacons", "", 250.00},

  {"Pancake Breakfast", "Three Buttermilk pancakes, butter and syrup.", "", "Three Pancakes, Butter, Syrup", "", 200.00},

  {"Meat Variety", "Three eggs, bacon and", "smoked sausages,porridge, three fried dumplings and jam.", "1 Bowl Poridge,", "3 Fried Dumplings, Jam", 350.00}


const MenuData lunch[NUM_LUNCH_ITEMS]= {
	{"Cheese Burger", " Thick-sliced bacon and two slices of tastee", "cheese served with seared buns and fries.", "Cheese Burger, Fries", "", 450.00,},
	{"Hotdog N' Fries", "Smoked sausages, Hotdog Rolls with seasoned Fries.", "", "Smoked Sausage Hotdog, Seasoned Fries", "", 345.60,},
	{"Chicken Feet Soup", "Chicken feet soup, with boiled dumplings", "yellow yam, sweet potato and 5 slices garlic bread.", "Chicken soup- Boiled Dumplings, Yellow", "Yam, Sweet Potato, 5 Garlic Bread", 445.60}

const MenuData dinner [NUM_DINNER_ITEMS]= {
	{"Sunday Dinner", "Fried Chicken served with rice and peas and macaroni salad", "", "Fried Chicken, Rice and Peas, Macaroni Salad", "", 600.00,},
	{"Pastas N' Such", "Macaroni casserole topped with an assortment of cheese","served with mashed potatoes and baked chicken", "Macaroni Casserole, Four Cheese Topping", "Mashed Potatoes, Baked Chicken", 450.00,},
	{"Real Jamaican Dinner", "Ackee and saltfish served with boiled dumplings", "yam and irish potatoes", "Ackee and Saltfish, Boiled dumplings, Yam", "", 395.00,}

const MenuData dessert [NUM_DESSERT_ITEMS]= {
	{"Rock Cakes","", "", "Rock Cakes", "", 70.00,},
	{"Gizzarda", "", "", "Gizzarda", "", 95.50,},
	{"Fruit Cake", "", "", "Fruit Cake", "", 200.00,},
	{"Apple Pie Slice", "", "", "Apple Pie Slice", "", 300.00,},
	{"Cheese Cake Slice", "","", "Cheese Cake Slice", "", 300.00,},
	{"Fudge Cupcake", "","", "Fudge Cupcake", "", 100.00,}

const MenuData beverage [NUM_BEVERAGE_ITEMS]= {
	{"Hot Chocolate", "", "", "Hot Chocolate", "", 60.00,},
	{"Coffee", "", "", "Coffee", "", 50.00,},
	{"Soft Drink", "", "", "Soft Drink", "", 90.00,},
	{"Beer", "", "", "Beer", "", 150.00,},
	{"Wine", "", "", "Wine", "", 250.00,},
	{"Water", "", "", "Water", "", 75.00,}

/*End of initialization*/

struct customerInfo {
	int customer_num;
	char cashier_name[20], client_name[20];
}; typedef struct customerInfo info;
/*Fuction Declarations*/ 
void interface (); 
int orderFunction (const MenuData menu[], int);
float Subtotal (const MenuData menu[], int, int);
void Caltotal (float);
void printReceipt (const MenuData menu[], int, float);

enum options {
	opt1= 1,
	opt2= 2,
	opt3= 3,
	opt4= 4,
	opt5= 5,
	opt6= 6

enum MenuTime {

/* display any menu data */

void displayMenu(const MenuData menu[], int numofitems)
  int i;
  for(i=0; i<numofitems; i++) {
    printf("%d. %s \n",       i+1, menu[i].name);
    printf("Description: %s \n",   menu[i].desc[0]);
    if( strlen(menu[i].desc[1]) > 0 )
    printf("%s \n",              menu[i].desc[1]);
    printf("Price: $%.2f \n",      menu[i].price);

int main ()
	interface ();
	info in1;
	int ch;
	MenuData menu;
	int password, mmchoice, count=3;
	enum MenuTime Mchoice;

	for (int i=0; i<count; i++)
		printf ("\n\t\tEnter Your Cashier Name: ");
	    scanf ("%s", in1.cashier_name);
		printf ("\n");
		printf ("\n\t\tEnter the Password: ");
		scanf ("%d", &password);
	    system ("cls");
       	if (password== PASSWORD)
		 	interface ();
		 	FILE *cfPtr;
            if ((cfPtr= fopen ("Food.txt", "a"))==NULL)
               printf ("File could not be opened\n");
	 	    printf ("\n");
		    printf ("Enter the Client's name\n:");
		    scanf ("%s", in1.client_name);

            printf ("Enter the Client's Table number\n:");
	        scanf ("%d", &in1.customer_num);

	        fprintf (cfPtr, "\n");
	        fprintf (cfPtr, "Customer Name: %s\n", in1.client_name);
	        fprintf (cfPtr, "Table Number: %d\n", in1.customer_num);
		    while (1)
	            system ("cls");
            	interface ();
            	printf ("\n");
                printf ("---------------#Welcome to Main Menu#----------------\n");
                printf ("\n");
                printf ("\tPress 1 for the Breakfast Menu\n");
                printf ("\tPress 2 for the Lunch Menu\n");
                printf ("\tPress 3 for the Dinner Menu\n");
                printf ("\tPress 4 for the Desert Menu\n");
                printf ("\tPress 5 for the Beverage Menu\n");
                printf ("\tPress 6 to Exit\n");
                scanf ("%d", &Mchoice);
 	            while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n' && ch != EOF);
            	switch (Mchoice) 
					case Breakfast:		
					    system ("cls");
					    printf ("\t.........Breakfast Menu............\n");
						displayMenu(breakfast, NUM_BREAKFAST_ITEMS);
						orderFunction (breakfast, NUM_BREAKFAST_ITEMS);
						getch ();
             		case Lunch:
             			system ("cls");
             			printf ("\t.........Lunch Menu..........\n");
            		    displayMenu(lunch, NUM_LUNCH_ITEMS);
            		    orderFunction (lunch, NUM_LUNCH_ITEMS);
            		    getch ();
            		case Dinner:
            			system ("cls");
            			printf ("\t.........Dinner Menu.........\n");
            		    displayMenu (dinner, NUM_DINNER_ITEMS);
            		    orderFunction (dinner, NUM_DINNER_ITEMS);
            		    getch ();
            		case Dessert:
            		    system ("cls");
            		    printf ("\t.........Desseert Menu.........\n");
             			displayMenu (dessert, NUM_DESSERT_ITEMS);
             			orderFunction (dessert, NUM_DESSERT_ITEMS);
             			getch ();
            		case Beverage:
           				system ("cls");
           				printf (".........Beverage Menu........\n");
           			    displayMenu (beverage, NUM_BEVERAGE_ITEMS);
           			    orderFunction (beverage, NUM_BEVERAGE_ITEMS);
           			    getch ();
           			case Receipt:
                      	printReceipt (menu, numofitme, subtot);
            		case Exit:	
					    exit (1);
         	            printf ("This Option Doesn't Exist\n");
    	        } // End Switch
	    	 }//End while
        }//End if
		printf ("Invalid Password!\n");
		printf ("You have %d tries left!\n", count);
    }//End For
	printf ("This program will close.\n");
	printf ("\n");

  return 0;  
} // end main

void interface ()
	 printf ("\t Welcome to Master's Restaurant and Bar!\n");
     printf ("\n");
	  printf ("                                          o8             \n");        
      printf ("                                          888            \n");             
      printf ("        ooo. .oo. .ooo.      ooo d8b      888oooo.       \n"); 
      printf ("        888P'Y88bP'Y88b      888''8p      d88' `88b      \n"); 
      printf ("        888   888   888      888          888   888      \n");   
      printf ("        888   888   888      888          888   888      \n");
      printf ("       o888o o888o o888o    d888b         `Y8bod8P'      \n");
}//End of Interface

int orderFunction (const MenuData menu[], int numofitems)
	enum options choices;
	int i, ch;
	int qty;
	while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n' && ch != EOF);
	printf ("Enter Choice: ");
	scanf ("%d", &choices);
	if (choices==0|| choices > numofitems)
       printf ("Invalid Option.\nPress any key to return to Main Menu.");
	printf ("Enter Quantity: ");
	scanf ("%d", &qty);
	FILE *cfPtr;
    if ((cfPtr= fopen ("Food.txt", "a"))==NULL)
       printf ("File could not be opened\n");
     if  (choices== opt1 || choices== opt2 || choices== opt3|| choices== opt4 || choices==opt5 || choices== opt6)
        fprintf (cfPtr, "Prepare: %s\n", menu[choices-1].prepare[0]);
        if (strlen(menu[choices-1].prepare[1]) > 0 )
        fprintf (cfPtr, "%s\n", menu[choices-1].prepare[1]);
        fprintf (cfPtr, "________________________________________________");
        fprintf (cfPtr, "________________________________________________\n");
    fclose (cfPtr);
    return qty;
}//End of Function

float Subtotal (const MenuData menu[], int qty, int numofitems)
	int i;
	float subtot=0.00;
	float price1;

	for(i=0; i<numofitems; i++)
		price1= menu[i].price*qty;
	subtot= subtot + price1;
	return subtot; 

void Caltotal (float subtot)
	float total;

	total= subtot* TAX;


void printReceipt (const MenuData menu[], int numofitems, float subtot)
	int i;
	float cash_tender;
	float change;
	system ("cls");
    printf ("                      8         \n");
	printf ("                      88        \n");
	printf ("                      88ooo.    \n");
    printf (" oo. .o. .oo   oo d8b d8'  `8b  \n");
    printf (" 88P'Y88'Y88   88'    88    88  \n");
    printf ("o88o     o88o d88b    `YbodP'  \n");
	printf ( "\n");
	printf ("        ** RECIEPT**           \n");
	printf ("\n");
	printf ("\n");
	printf ("5 Kingston Road, Lot 5\n");
	printf ("\n");
	printf ("\n");
	printf ("Item Bought             Price\n");
    for(i=0; i<numofitems; i++)
        printf ("%s \t$ %.2f\n", menu[i].name,  menu[i].price);
        printf ("Subtotal                $ %.2f\n", subtot;
        printf ("TAX                     $ %.2f\n", Caltotal (subtot));
        printf ("Toatl Sale              $ %.2f\n", Caltotal (subtot));
        printf ("\n");
	printf ("Enter the cash tendered by customer: ");
	scanf ("%f", &cash_tender);
	change= total-ctender;
	printf ("The change id %.2f", change);
Here is the whole program. I changed flush operation to the while loop.