The only reason I'm able to help you Juan, is because you have posted some code. That's a rule on the forum, because otherwise we become the "short order" center for students to get their homework and projects, coded for them, without them working on it. You can see the problem in that scenario.

Spend some time learning in the C tutorial for this forum - (link is at the top center of this website) it is excellent in content, and you will know how to read names from a text file, one name to a line, using fscanf(). The idea is not to keep you "not so good", and have you rely on others for all your code. We were all "not so good", before we studied and practiced.

Post that up, and then we can continue a bit further. I'll be running around for a few hours, so you'll have time to study.

I need you to post up code to open a text file with 10 names in it, one name per line of text, and print them. Don't forget to close the file after you have finished reading in the names.