Thread: Please review my code for a binary tree

  1. #1
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    Please review my code for a binary tree

    I started reading programming books about 8 months ago, so I still don't know much. I wrote this binary tree and would like to know what things should be changed in order to improve code quality and performance.

    It supports element insertion/removal/search, tree traversal, balancing and encoding/decoding.

    Encoding just takes a list with all nodes and call the set function to determine the total length of the element. Then it allocates memory and call the element encoder. Decoder does pretty much the opposite. They are endian-sensitive.

    #ifndef BST_H
    #define BST_H
    #include <stdint.h>
    #define ENCODING_SIZE_T uint32_t
    //Maximum size supported by encoding/decoding
    //Return codes
    #define BST_SUCCESS 0
    #define BST_ERROR 1
    #define BST_DUPLICATE 2
    #define BST_NO_MEMORY 4
    typedef struct BST_Node BST_Node;
    struct BST_Node {
        void *content;
        BST_Node *smaller;
        BST_Node *greater;
    typedef struct {
        BST_Node *root;
        size_t node_count;
        int (*compare)(void *, void *);    
    } BST;
    static inline void bst_init(BST *bst, int (*compare)(void *, void *))
        bst->root = NULL;    
        bst->node_count = 0;
        bst->compare = compare;
    int bst_insert(BST *bst, void *content);
    //Remove and free node
    void bst_remove(BST *bst, void *content);
    void *bst_find(BST *bst, void *content);
    /* Avoid recursive calls. It can fail if there's not enough memory to hold an
    array with pointers to all nodes */
    void bst_free(BST *bst);
    //Callback will be called once per node, from node a to z
    void bst_iterate(BST *bst, void (*callback)(void *));
    //Same as before, but z to a
    void bst_iterate_reverse(BST *bst, void (*callback)(void *));
    void bst_balance(BST *bst);
    /////////    Functions to save the tree for later use. They allow to use the tree
    //////// to hold data, save it, and load it.
    /* Return the total size of encoded tree. container will point to the allocated memory on success. size_after_encoding must return how much space the element will require after encoded. 
    encoder will be called like encoder(destination, element, element_size) and should write the encoded element at destination and return one past it, if it returns NULL, the encoding will be aborted. */
    size_t bst_encode
        BST *bst,
        void **container,
        ENCODING_SIZE_T (*size_after_encoding)(void *), //Must not return 0
        void *(*encoder)(void *, void *, ENCODING_SIZE_T) //Must return NULL if it fails
    /* Decode tree. Both constructor and destructor must be set. Constructor is expected to return a pointer to the unencoded element. Destructor should free the element created by constructor, 
    it will be called in case of errors. */
    int bst_decode
        BST *bst,
        void *encoded,
        void *(*constructor)(void *, ENCODING_SIZE_T), //Return NULL if any error
        void (destructor)(void *)
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include "bst.h"
    /////////    Declarations
    static inline int choose_smaller(BST *bst);
    /* Return an ordered array containing all nodes starting at a certain point.  Caller must be sure the tree has at least the root */
    static BST_Node **a_z(BST *bst);
    //Go from smallest to greatest and call a function to work on the node static void node_traverse(BST_Node *node,  void (*callback)(BST_Node *) );
    //Go from smallest to greatest and call a function to work on the node content        
    static void content_traverse(BST_Node *node, void (*callback)(void *));
    //Go from greatest to smallest and call a function to work on the node content
    static void reverse_content_traverse(BST_Node *node, void (*callback)(void *) );
    static inline void free_all_nodes_from_list(BST_Node **nodes, size_t node_count);
    static int insert (BST *bst, BST_Node **where, void *what );
    static BST_Node **find_node_and_its_parent (BST *bst, void *content);
    static BST_Node **find_closest_smaller_and_its_parent(BST_Node *node);
    static BST_Node **find_closest_greater_and_its_parent (BST_Node *node);
    static inline void free_and_unlink(    BST_Node **node        );
    static inline void free_and_link_smaller(    BST_Node **node        );
    static void free_and_link_greater(    BST_Node **node        );
    static void remove_node_with_children(    BST *bst,  BST_Node *node    );
    static inline void remove(    BST *bst, BST_Node **node      );
    /////////    Internal methods
    /* Choose a different side every time a node with 2 child nodes is removed so the tree won't become too unbalanced after many removals */
    static int choose_smaller(BST *bst)
        return bst->node_count % 2;
    static void a_z_recursive(BST_Node **dest, BST_Node *node, size_t *i)
        if(node->smaller != NULL)
            a_z_recursive(dest, node->smaller, i);
        dest[*i] = node;
        *i += 1;
        if(node->greater != NULL)
            a_z_recursive(dest, node->greater, i);
    /* Return an ordered array containing all nodes starting at a certain point.  Caller must be sure, the tree has at least the root */
    static BST_Node **a_z(BST *bst)
        //Store pointers to all nodes into an array
        BST_Node **a_z = malloc(bst->node_count * sizeof(BST_Node *));
        if(a_z == NULL)
            return NULL;
        //Keep track of position
        size_t i = 0;
        a_z_recursive(a_z, bst->root, &i);
        return a_z;
    /* Traverse the tree in order and call some function to work on the node */
    static void node_traverse(BST_Node *node, void (*callback)(BST_Node *))
        if(node->smaller != NULL)
            node_traverse(node->smaller, callback);
        if(node->greater != NULL)
            node_traverse(node->greater, callback);
    static void content_traverse(BST_Node *node, void (*callback)(void *))
        if(node->smaller != NULL)
            content_traverse(node->smaller, callback);
        if(node->greater != NULL)
            content_traverse(node->greater, callback);
    static void reverse_content_traverse( BST_Node *node, void (*callback)(void *) )
        if(node->greater != NULL)
            content_traverse(node->greater, callback);
        if(node->smaller != NULL)
            content_traverse(node->smaller, callback);
    /* Free all nodes listed in the array */
    static void free_all_nodes_from_list(BST_Node **nodes, size_t node_count)
        while(node_count-- > 0)
    static int insert(BST *bst, BST_Node **where, void *what)
        //Allocate new node
        if((*where = malloc(sizeof(BST_Node))) == NULL)
            return BST_ERROR | BST_NO_MEMORY;
        (*where)->content = what;
        (*where)->smaller = NULL;
        (*where)->greater = NULL;
        return BST_SUCCESS;
    /* Return BST_SUCCESS if found or BST_ERROR if not found */
    static BST_Node **find_node_and_its_parent(BST *bst, void *content)
        /* Set it up so node will point to the right node, and parent will point to its parent */
        BST_Node *parent;
        BST_Node *node = NULL;
        BST_Node *ite = bst->root;
        int relationship;        
        /* Move until all can be done in a loop, otherwise it will break if the node to be removed is root */    
        relationship = bst->compare(content, ite->content);
        parent = node;
        node = ite;
        if(relationship > 0)
                ite = ite->greater;
        if(relationship < 0)
            ite = ite->smaller;
        //It's root
            return &bst->root;    
        /* Now it's safe to process */
        while(ite != NULL){
            //Find next path
            relationship = bst->compare(content, ite->content);
            parent = node;
            node = ite;
            if(relationship > 0)
                ite = ite->greater;
            if(relationship < 0)
                ite = ite->smaller;
            else {        
                //Found, check which side
                return (parent->greater == node) ? &parent->greater : &parent->smaller;
        //Not found
        return NULL;
    static BST_Node **find_closest_smaller_and_its_parent(BST_Node *node)
        /* When it's done ite will be NULL and the other 2 pointers will be set to the correct nodes */
        BST_Node *parent = node;
        BST_Node *closest = node->smaller;
        BST_Node *ite = closest->greater;
        while(ite != NULL){
            parent = closest;
            closest = ite;
            ite = ite->greater;        
        return (parent->smaller == closest) ? &parent->smaller : &parent->greater;
    static BST_Node **find_closest_greater_and_its_parent(BST_Node *node)
        BST_Node *parent = node;
        BST_Node *closest = node->greater;
        BST_Node *ite = closest->smaller;
        while(ite != NULL){
            parent = closest;
            closest = ite;
            ite = ite->smaller;        
        return (parent->smaller == closest) ? &parent->smaller : &parent->greater;
    static void free_and_unlink(BST_Node **node)
        *node = NULL;
    static void free_and_link_smaller(BST_Node **node)
        void *temp = (*node)->smaller;
        *node = temp;
    static void free_and_link_greater(BST_Node **node)
        void *temp = (*node)->greater;
        *node = temp;
    static void remove_node_with_children(BST *bst, BST_Node *node)
        BST_Node **substitute;
            substitute = find_closest_smaller_and_its_parent(node);
            substitute = find_closest_greater_and_its_parent(node);
        node->content = (*substitute)->content;
        remove(bst, substitute);
    static void remove(BST *bst, BST_Node **node)
        //Handle removal here if the node has a single child or no children
            //Both left and right, call handler
                remove_node_with_children(bst, (*node));
            //Only left
        //Only right child
        //No children
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include "bst.h"
    #include "bst_internal.h"
    /////////    Public methods
    //Find where to insert and call insert
    int bst_insert(BST *bst, void *content)
        //Handle root insertion separately
        if(bst->root == NULL)
            return insert(bst, &bst->root, content);
        //Find the place where the new node is supposed to be.
        BST_Node *ite = bst->root; //Seed
        BST_Node *parent;
        int relationship;
        while(ite != NULL){
            relationship = bst->compare(content, ite->content);
            parent = ite;
            if(relationship > 0)
                ite = ite->greater;
            if(relationship < 0)
                ite = ite->smaller;
                return BST_ERROR | BST_DUPLICATE;    
        //Found the spot, repeat last decision to see if it went left or right
        return insert(bst,  (relationship > 0) ? &parent->greater : &parent->smaller, content); 
    //Remove and free node
    void bst_remove(BST *bst, void *content)
        if(bst->root == NULL)
        BST_Node **node = find_node_and_its_parent(bst, content);
        if(node == NULL)
        //Update count
        remove(bst, node);
    void *bst_find(BST *bst, void *content)
        BST_Node *ite = bst->root;
        int relationship;
        while(ite != NULL){
            relationship = bst->compare(content, ite->content);    
            if(relationship > 0)
                ite = ite->greater;
            if(relationship < 0)
                ite = ite->smaller;
                return ite->content; //Found
        //Didn't find
        return NULL;
    //Can't use regular node traversing or it will try to read the deallocated node
    static void recursive_free(BST_Node *node)
        if(node->smaller != NULL)
        if(node->greater != NULL)
    void bst_free(BST *bst)
        if(bst->root == NULL)
    //Callback will be called once per node, from node a to z
    void bst_iterate(BST *bst, void (*callback)(void *))
        if(bst->root == NULL)
        content_traverse(bst->root, callback);
    //Same as before, but z to a
    void bst_iterate_reverse(BST *bst, void (*callback)(void *))
        if(bst->root == NULL)
        reverse_content_traverse(bst->root, callback);
    static BST_Node *link_middle(BST_Node **start, BST_Node **end)
        if(end - start == 0)
            return NULL;
        //Find middle
        BST_Node **middle = start + (end - start) / 2;
        //Call again for left and right subtrees
        (*middle)->smaller = link_middle(start, middle);
        (*middle)->greater = link_middle(middle + 1, end);
        return *middle;
    //Balance the tree
    void bst_balance(BST *bst)
        BST_Node **ordered_nodes = a_z(bst); 
        bst->root = link_middle(    ordered_nodes, 
                                    ordered_nodes + bst->node_count    );
    /////////    Functions to save the tree for later use. They allow to use the tree
    //////// to hold data, save it, and load it.
    /* The encoded tree looks like: INDEX + NODE_SIZE + NODE + NODE_SIZE + NODE...*/
    //Use a struct to make it easier to add new fields
    typedef struct {
        size_t node_count;
    } Index;
    /* Calculate total space required for an encoded tree */
    static size_t total_space_required_for_encoding
        BST_Node **all_nodes,
        size_t node_count,
        ENCODING_SIZE_T (*size_after_encoding)(void *)
        //Consider the index
        size_t space_required = sizeof(Index);
        //Add NODE_SIZE
        space_required += sizeof(ENCODING_SIZE_T) * node_count;
        //Calculate how much storage each node will need
        ENCODING_SIZE_T node_size;
        while(node_count-- > 0){
            node_size = size_after_encoding(all_nodes[node_count]->content);
            space_required += node_size;
            //Consider padding, so all NODE_SIZEs will be aligned
            space_required += node_size % sizeof(ENCODING_SIZE_T);        
        return space_required;
    /* Return BST_ERROR if the encoding function signals an error */
    static int encode
        void *dest, 
        BST_Node **nodes,
        size_t node_count,
        ENCODING_SIZE_T (*size_after_encoding)(void *),
        void *(*encoder)(void *, void *, ENCODING_SIZE_T)
        //Node size is used when decoding
        ENCODING_SIZE_T *node_size;    
        for(size_t i = 0; i < node_count; ++i){
            //Add the node size
            node_size = dest;
            *node_size = size_after_encoding(nodes[i]->content);
            //Location to copy the content to
            dest = (char *)dest + sizeof(ENCODING_SIZE_T);
            //encoder must fill dest and return one past it
            dest = encoder(dest, nodes[i]->content, *node_size);
            if(dest == NULL)
                return BST_ERROR;
            //Add padding to keep node_size aligned
            dest = (char *)dest + *node_size % sizeof(ENCODING_SIZE_T);
        return BST_SUCCESS;
    /* Return the total size of encoded tree. container will point to the allocated
    memory on success. size_after_encoding must return how much space the element
    will require after encoded. encoder will be called like encoder(destination,
    element, element_size) and should write the encoded element at destination and
    return one past it, if it returns NULL, the encoding will be aborted. */
    size_t bst_encode
        BST *bst,
        void **container,
        ENCODING_SIZE_T (*size_after_encoding)(void *), //Must not return 0
        void *(*encoder)(void *, void *, ENCODING_SIZE_T) //Must return NULL if it fails
        //Is there anything?
        if(bst->root == NULL)
            return 0;
        //Get a list of nodes
        BST_Node **nodes = a_z(bst);
        //How much memory will be required?
        size_t space_required = total_space_required_for_encoding
                                    (nodes, bst->node_count, size_after_encoding);
        //Try to allocate enough memory
        Index *encoded = malloc(space_required);
        if(encoded == NULL){
            return 0;
        //Fill info
        encoded->node_count = bst->node_count;
        if(encode(    encoded + 1, 
                    encoder                )
        == BST_ERROR){
            return 0;
        *container = encoded;
        return space_required;
    /* Allocate new nodes, return an array with pointers to all */
    static BST_Node **allocate_nodes_and_list(size_t total)
        //Allocate list
        BST_Node **nodes = malloc(sizeof(BST_Node *) * total);
        if(nodes == NULL)
            return NULL;
        //Allocate all nodes and add to list
        for(size_t i = 0; i < total; ++i){
            //Create new node, check for errors
            nodes[i] = malloc(sizeof(BST_Node));
            if(nodes[i] == NULL){
                while(i-- > 0)
                return NULL;        
        return nodes;
    /* Construct nodes. Destruct all in case of failure */
    static int construct_nodes
        BST_Node **nodes,
        void *encoded,
        size_t node_count,
        void *(*constructor)(void *, ENCODING_SIZE_T),
        void (destructor)(void *)
        ENCODING_SIZE_T *node_size;
        for(size_t i = 0; i < node_count; ++i){
            //Get size
            node_size = encoded;
            //Point to content
            encoded = (char *)encoded + sizeof(ENCODING_SIZE_T);
            nodes[i]->content = constructor(encoded, *node_size);
            //Handle error
            if(nodes[i]->content == NULL){
                //Destruct all
                while(i-- > 0)
                return BST_ERROR;                    
            //Update position
            encoded = (char *)encoded + *node_size;
            //Don't forget the padding
            encoded = (char *)encoded + *node_size % sizeof(ENCODING_SIZE_T);        
    /* Decode tree. Both constructor and destructor must be set. Constructor is
    expected to return a pointer to the unencoded element. Destructor should free
    the element created by constructor, it will be called in case of errors. */
    int bst_decode
        BST *bst,
        void *encoded,
        void *(*constructor)(void *, ENCODING_SIZE_T), //Return NULL if any error
        void (destructor)(void *)
        Index *index = encoded;
        //Try to allocate all 
        BST_Node **nodes = allocate_nodes_and_list(index->node_count);
        if(nodes == NULL)
            return BST_ERROR;
        if(construct_nodes(    nodes, 
                            index + 1, 
                            destructor            )
        == BST_ERROR){
            free_all_nodes_from_list(nodes, index->node_count);
            return BST_ERROR;
        bst->root = link_middle(nodes, nodes + index->node_count);
        bst->node_count = index->node_count;
        return BST_SUCCESS;
    Last edited by 2013Starter; 01-15-2014 at 04:28 AM. Reason: code format

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    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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