I have been learning C programming on my own and I am just trying to get the hang of functions. And so far I seem to be missing something. Maybe just a push in the right direction.

#include <stdio.h>

#define PI 3.14

int area_Circle(int a, int r);

int main(){

 float r, a;

while (printf("Enter a number to find the area of a circle,\nEnter Zero if you would like to quit!:")){

 scanf("%f", &r);
 if("%f", r>0)
  printf("The area is %f\n", a);



     "%f", r < 1;


return 1;

int area_Circle(int a, int r);
 a = PI *r*r;
return a;     


I though this would work this way, As I defined PI under the "#include" statement. Please help me understand what I missing here. Thanks in advance to any help.