Hi everyone,
Can someone please explain my mistake. The code is supposed to convert characters from an array into their respective ascii integers, and append a 0 if the number is less than 3 digits long. It then supposed to put it all together into one string. Many thanks.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void){

char file[] = "This is a test";
char *ptr = file;
int length = strlen(file);
int i, numbers[length];

for (i =0; i <= length; i++){
numbers[i] = *ptr;
printf("%i\n", numbers[i]);

//////Problem is here//////////
char stringout[100000000] = "";
char temp[4];

for (i =0; i <= length; i++){
sprintf(temp, "%i", numbers[i]);
    if (strlen(temp) == 2){
    temp = strcat("0", temp);
stringout = strcat(stringout, temp);        

return 0;