I am attempting to convert a PHP, which incorporates/includes gsoap, to C.
I am having a issue with understanding the following:-
struct ns1__ArrayOfString
/// Size of array of char** is 0..unbounded
   $int                                  __sizestring                   0;
/// Array char** of length 0..unbounded
    char**                               string                         0;    ///< Nillable pointer.

struct _ns1__GetMediaListResponse
/// Element GetMediaListResult of type "http://tempuri.org/":ArrayOfString.
    struct ns1__ArrayOfString*           GetMediaListResult             0;    ///< Optional element.
In my program I have defined
struct  _ns1__GetMediaListResponse* GetMediaListResponse;
and I want to access the contents of the variable string

I have tried various combinations of & * -> and . but not one works for me.

In PHP this is achieved with
$result2 = $client->GetMediaList($params);
    $d = count($result2->GetMediaListResult->string);
    $MediaOne = $result2->GetMediaListResult->string[$d];
Please tell me how I should write the following