Alright so i'm trying to create a program that prints a number of dots specified by the user, there 4 options to do any loop type or to exit the menu. i'm having problems making it so that after you enter a value and it displays the specified number of dots it clears the results. Also we have to make it so that if a negative integer is entered it still prints out the appropriate amount of dots ie: user puts -9 it prints 9 dots, i know you use the abs() function but it doesn't seem to be working for me. i realize that you guys aren't suppose to just tell me the answer but any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated. i'm assuming my problem with the abs function is i'm not using it correctly but i'v tried searching and i can't figure out what exactly i'm doing wrong. Please use case 1 as the example for the rest because i'm trying to implement everything on one case at a time, thanks everyone!

int main()

                                        ///initialization statements
    int Num1 = 0;
    char dot = '.';

                                        ///Main menu options of program
    printf("Choose a loop type to demonstrate\n");
    printf(" 1   While loop\n");
    printf(" 2   do-while loop\n");
    printf(" 3   for loop\n");
    printf(" 4   quit the program\n\n");
    printf("Enter your choice: ");
                                        ///switch statment and data validation in do while statement
            if(!(scanf("%d", &Num1)))
                printf("\nPlease enter a valid menu choice");
                return -1;


            else if(Num1 <= 0 || Num1 >= 5)
                printf("This is not a valid menu option");
                return -2;

                     if(!(scanf("%d", &Num1)));
                         printf("\n Please enter a valid menu choice");
                    case 1:
                        printf("\nHow many dots should i print? ");
                        Num1 = abs(Num1);

                        while(Num1 > 0)
                            printf("%c", dot);

                    case 2:
                        printf("\nHow many dots should i print? ");
                        scanf("\n%d", &Num1);
                            printf("%c", dot);

                         while(Num1 > 0);

                    case 3:
                       printf("\nHow many dots should i print? ");
                       scanf("\n%d", &Num1);

                       for( ; Num1 > 0;  --Num1);

                         printf("%c", dot);

                    case 4:
                        printf("\nThanks for playing! Bye!");

                        printf("THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN");
        while(Num1!= 4);

return 0;