I need to have the results for x, y, and z, stored in one matrix instead of stored in three separate matrices. Also, my integral at the end of the code doesn't return correctly to give all the values I need (I believe it is a looping problem).

Here's the problem given:
In a total population of n individuals there are, at any time t,
x(t) members of the population who are susceptible to a contagious disease,
y(t) infectious carriers of this contagious disease,
z(t) individuals who are recovered and immune.
It is clear x(t) + y(t) + z(t) = n for all non-negative t
The following systems of equations model the epidemic
dx/dt = - lambda x(t)y(t)
dy/dt = lambda x(t)y(t) - mu y(t)
dz/dt = mu y(t)
The first equation says the rate of change in the susceptible population is 
deceasing by the infection rate times the contacts measured by $xy$. 
The last equation says the rate of change in the recovered population is 
increasing by the recovery rate times the number of infected. 
The middle equation, says the infection rate is gaining from susceptibles 
and losing to the recovered and it is balanced so that population remains constant.

Input a text file of parameters in the order 
lambda mu x(0) y(0) z(0) tinit tfinal tdelta

The differential equation must be solved numerically using the numerical 
method described below called the improved Euler method Euler's method for dx/dt = f(t,x) 

t_new = t_old + delta_t 
dxdt_est = f(t_old, x_old) 
x_new = x_old + dxdt_est*delta_t

One can improve the estimate by doing

dxdt_est2 = (dxdt_est + f(t_new, x_new))/2
x_new = x_old + dxdt_est2*delta_t

And you need to repeat this four times. 
(Note that x_new changes and dxdt_est2 changes but dxdt_est does not change.

The results this solution must be stored in a 3 x n matrix called solution 
and the transpose of this matrix must be output to a file.

Also required is a graph ploting x, y, z and dy/dt on the same graph.

Then for each t, number of sick days the integral of y from 0 to t must be 
computed by simpson rule and plotted. Since Simpson's rule requires an even 
number of data points, interpolate the data points on either side of those times with an odd.

In most be modular, with a main program that calls functions and/or procedures to modular cores.

Communtication cannot be by global variables, input and output needs to be done by 
parameters to functions and/or procedures.

Variable names need to be meaningful.

The Code must be Commented.

The code must be correct, and part of your project needs to state how you checked correctness.

Each project requires the use of the 2D array data type explicitly.

Each project requires reading input data from a text file and outputing a graph (and possibly more). 

While generally not an issue, a program can be returned to replace the use of an inefficient algorithm with a better one.
Here is the code I already have (the input file is attached)in.txt:
#include <stdio.h>

float dxdt (float lambda, float y_new, float x_new);                //function for dx/dt = - lambda x(t)y(t)

float dydt (float lambda, float x_new, float y_new, float mu);      //function for dy/dt = lambda x(t)y(t) - mu y(t)

float dzdt (float mu, float y_new);                                 //function for dz/dt = mu y(t)

float simp_y (float t_new, float y_new4);                           //function for integral of y using Simpson's Rule

int main()

    float lambda;       //infection rate
    float mu;           //recovery rate
    float x0;           //initial susceptible population, 900
    float y0;           //initial infected population, 10
    float z0;           //initial recovered population, 90
    float tinit;        //intial time, 0 days
    float tfinal;       //final time, 15 days
    float tdelta;       //time steps, 1/10th of a day, 0.1

    float x_new;        //variables for new x, y, and z values
    float y_new;        //
    float z_new;        //

    float x_new2;       //variables for new x, y, and z values in succesive improvements
    float y_new2;       //
    float z_new2;       //
    float x_new3;       //
    float y_new3;       //
    float z_new3;       //
    float x_new4;       //
    float y_new4;       //
    float z_new4;       //

    float t_new;        //variable for new time value
    float t_old;        //variable for old time value
    float n;            //total number of steps, 10 steps/day * 15 days = 150 steps

    float dxdt_est;     //1st estimate improvement for dxdt, dydt, and dzdt
    float dydt_est;     //
    float dzdt_est;     //

    float dxdt_est2;    //2nd estimate improvement for dxdt, dydt, and dzdt
    float dydt_est2;    //
    float dzdt_est2;    //

    float dxdt_est3;    //3rd estimate improvement for dxdt, dydt, and dzdt
    float dydt_est3;    //
    float dzdt_est3;    //

    float dxdt_est4;    //4th estimate improvement for dxdt, dydt, and dzdt
    float dydt_est4;    //
    float dzdt_est4;    //

    float simpsons;     //variable used for Simpson's Rule

    FILE *infile;       //brings in parameter file, in.txt
    FILE *outfile;      //outputs results to file, out.txt
    FILE *outfile2;     //outputs results for y integral to out2.txt

infile = fopen("in.txt", "r");       // file input using relative path name of file

outfile = fopen("out.txt", "w");     // file output using relative path name of file

outfile2 = fopen("out2.txt", "w");   // file output using relative path name of file

    fscanf(infile,"%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &lambda, &mu, &x0, &y0, &z0, &tinit, &tfinal, &tdelta);
    //scans paramemter values from input file and stores them to their repective variables

    for (n = 0; n < 150; n++)       //for loop to return values for x, y, and z at all 150 steps
        dxdt_est =   dxdt(lambda, x0, y0);  //1st improvement using dxdt function from below
        x_new = x0 + (tdelta * dxdt_est);   //1st x value returned

        dydt_est = dydt(lambda, x0, y0, mu);//1st improvement using dydt function from below
        y_new = y0 + (tdelta * dydt_est);   //1st y value returned

        dzdt_est = dzdt(mu, y0);            //1st improvement using dzdt function from below
        z_new = z0 + (tdelta * dzdt_est);   //1st z value returned

        dxdt_est2 = ((dxdt_est + dxdt(lambda, x_new, y_new))/2);    //2nd improvement using dxdt function from below
        x_new2 = x_new + (tdelta * dxdt_est2);                      //2nd x value returned

        dydt_est2 = ((dydt_est + dydt(lambda, x_new, y_new, mu))/2);//2nd improvement using dydt function from below
        y_new2 = y_new + (tdelta * dydt_est2);                      //2nd y value returned

        dzdt_est2 = ((dzdt_est + dzdt(mu, y_new))/2);               //2nd improvement using dzdt function from below
        z_new2 = z_new + (tdelta * dzdt_est2);                      //2nd z value returned

        dxdt_est3 = ((dxdt_est2 + dxdt(lambda, x_new2, y_new2))/2); //3rd improvement using dxdt function from below
        x_new3 = x_new2 + (tdelta * dxdt_est3);                     //3rd x value returned

        dydt_est3 = ((dydt_est2 + dydt(lambda, x_new2, y_new2, mu))/2);//3rd improvement using dydt function from below
        y_new3 = y_new2 + (tdelta * dydt_est3);                        //3rd y value returned

        dzdt_est3 = ((dzdt_est2 + dzdt(mu, y_new2))/2);                //3rd improvement using dzdt function from below
        z_new3 = z_new2 + (tdelta * dzdt_est3);                        //3rd z value returned

        dxdt_est4 = ((dxdt_est3 + dxdt(lambda, x_new3, y_new3))/2);    //4th improvement using dxdt function from below
        x_new4 = x_new3 + (tdelta * dxdt_est4);                        //4th x value returned

        dydt_est4 = ((dydt_est3 + dydt(lambda, x_new3, y_new3, mu))/2);//4th improvement using dydt function from below
        y_new4 = y_new3 + (tdelta * dydt_est4);                        //4th y value returned

        dzdt_est4 = ((dzdt_est3 + dzdt(mu, y_new3))/2);                //4th improvement using dzdt function from below
        z_new4 = z_new3 + (tdelta * dzdt_est4);                        //4th z value returned

        t_new = tinit + tdelta;     //equation to step up time by 0.1 days every loop

        simpsons = simp_y(t_new, y_new4);                   //calls function to give integral of y using Simpson's Rule
        fprintf(outfile2, "%f\t %f\n", simpsons, t_new);    //stores integral values of y to out2.txt file

        float solution[3] = {x_new4, y_new4, z_new4};   //array definition to store x, y, and z values

        printf("%f \t%f \t%f\n", solution[0], solution[1], solution[2]);    //prints values for x_new4, y_new4, and z_new4

        fprintf(outfile, "%f \t %f \t %f \t %f\n", solution[0], solution[1], solution[2], dydt_est4);
        //outputs values of x_new4, y_new4, z_new4, and dydt_est4 into output file, out.txt

        tinit = t_new;              //equations to reassign values and continue loop

        x0 = x_new;
        y0 = y_new;
        z0 = z_new;

        x_new = x_new2;
        y_new = y_new2;
        z_new = z_new2;

        x_new2 = x_new3;
        y_new2 = y_new3;
        z_new2 = z_new3;

        x_new3 = x_new4;
        y_new3 = y_new4;
        z_new3 = z_new4;



float dxdt (float lambda, float y_new, float x_new)             //dxdt base function

    return -1 * lambda * y_new * x_new;

float dydt (float lambda ,float x_new, float y_new, float mu)   //dydt base function

    return (lambda * x_new * y_new) - (mu * y_new);

float dzdt(float mu,float y_new)                                //dzdt base function

    return mu * y_new;

float simp_y (float t_new, float y_new4)                        //Function used to find integral of y using Simpson's Rule

    return (((t_new-(t_new-2))/2) * (((y_new4)-2) + (4 * ((y_new4 + (y_new4 - 2))/2)) + y_new4));
"The instructor gave me this guidance to fix some things:
If you read assignment it says the solution must be stored in a 3 x n array x y z But it might be better if you do a 4 x n matrix t x y z.

Your output must start with time 0."

Thank you