Thread: FFT 3D algorithm in c needed!!!

  1. #1
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    FFT 3D algorithm in c needed!!!

    Hello to everyone. I'm new to this forum.

    I'd like to know the following: Is there any member that has ever used an FFT 3D algorithm in a program? Could this member show me the code and how to implent this in a program?

    I have tried some algorithms for FFT 3D array and (I think) they don't work. My idea of testing an FFT 3D algorithm is the following:
    1) Initialize a 3D array
    2) FFT the array
    3) Inverse FFT the FFTd Array
    4) compare the two arrays and if they are the same it's ok. Else it's not OK.

    Is my idea of testing an FFT algorithm wright? Could I have an FFT 3D Algorithm and the way to implement it?

    Thanks very much in advance.

  2. #2
    Make Fortran great again
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    FFTW is the de facto standard for FFT calculation. I haven't had to use it, but check out this tutorial in the docs: Multi-Dimensional DFTs of Real Data - FFTW 3.3.3

  3. #3
    Officially An Architect brewbuck's Avatar
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    When testing an FFT, you should test:

    * Consistency of the inverse. IFFT(FFT(x)) should be equal to k*x, where k is a scale factor related to N, the size of the transform. The value k should be the same for all transforms of a given size.
    * Linearity: FFT(a*x) should be equal to a*FFT(x).
    * Superposition: FFT(x) + FFT(y) should be equal to FFT(x + y)

    These are not sufficient to prove that what you have implemented is an FFT, however. Addition tests are needed for that:

    * Fundamental purpose of FFT: FFT(x) where x is a signal representing a plane wave with an integer number of cycles, should result in an output of all zeros except at the FFT bin corresponding to the given frequency. You should test this for all basis frequencies of the given transform size. (EDIT: Furthermore, the single non-zero bin should have an amplitude and phase consistent with the input signal)

    And for good measure, throw in a test of FFT(x) where x is randomly generated data, and compare the output against a known-good FFT implementation.

    If all those tests pass, chances are near 100% that you have correctly implemented the FFT.
    Last edited by brewbuck; 07-02-2013 at 04:18 PM.
    	if (a) do { f( b); } while(1);
    	else   do { f(!b); } while(1);

  4. #4
    Ticked and off
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    Quote Originally Posted by Epy View Post
    FFTW is the de facto standard for FFT calculation.
    Seconded. I've used it (for scientific calculations, 1D FFT and 1D Hartley transforms), and I like it a lot.

    One note, though. For good performance, you need to generate "wisdom" for the exact transform, and use existing "wisdom" information, if available, in your code. "Wisdom", like the docs say, is just information on the most efficient way to accomplish the desired transformation, and is saved in a text file. The difference in performance between having "wisdom" and not having any for a transform, is huge.

  5. #5
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    Well. FFTW is the 1st FFT that came up when I tried to find an FFT Algorithm. I searched for this (FFTW) and I found that it needs "installation"? I use code::blocks for developing C programs. Could you please explain how I can use it (because I tried reading the documentation and I couldn't find how to use it - installing it and calling the function) step by step?
    In my program do I have to just call the function?

  6. #6
    - - - - - - - - oogabooga's Avatar
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    If you're on windows, then you probably want the pre-compiled dll's:
    FFTW Installation on Windows
    and the manual
    FFTW 3.3.3

  7. #7
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    OK I have searched and found the following algorithm for FFT with just a call in the fft3d function (as I need FFT 3D).

    /* Truncated Stockham algorithm for multi-column vector,
           X(n1,n2) <- F_n1 X(n1,n2)
       x[] input data of size n, viewed as n1 = n/n2 by n2 dimensional
       array, flag =+1 forward transform, -1 for backward transform, y[] is
       working space, which must be n in size.  This function is supposed
       to be internal (static), not used by application.  Note that the
       terminology of column or row respect to algorithms in the Loan's
       book is reversed, because we use row major convention of C.
    static void stockham(complex x[], int n, int flag, int n2, complex y[])
       complex  *y_orig, *tmp;
       int  i, j, k, k2, Ls, r, jrs;
       int  half, m, m2;
       real  wr, wi, tr, ti;
       y_orig = y;
       r = half = n >> 1;
       Ls = 1;                                         /* Ls=L/2 is the L star */
       while(r >= n2) {                              /* loops log2(n/n2) times */
          tmp = x;                           /* swap pointers, y is always old */
          x = y;                                   /* x is always for new data */
          y = tmp;
          m = 0;                        /* m runs over first half of the array */
          m2 = half;                             /* m2 for second half, n2=n/2 */
          for(j = 0; j < Ls; ++j) {
             wr = cos(M_PI*j/Ls);                   /* real and imaginary part */
             wi = -flag * sin(M_PI*j/Ls);                      /* of the omega */
             jrs = j*(r+r);
             for(k = jrs; k < jrs+r; ++k) {           /* "butterfly" operation */
                k2 = k + r;
                tr =  wr*y[k2].Re - wi*y[k2].Im;      /* complex multiply, w*y */
                ti =  wr*y[k2].Im + wi*y[k2].Re;
                x[m].Re = y[k].Re + tr;
                x[m].Im = y[k].Im + ti;
                x[m2].Re = y[k].Re - tr;
                x[m2].Im = y[k].Im - ti;
          r  >>= 1;
          Ls <<= 1;
       if (y != y_orig) {                     /* copy back to permanent memory */
          for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) {               /* if it is not already there */
             y[i] = x[i];               /* performed only if log2(n/n2) is odd */
       assert(Ls == n/n2);                        /* ensure n is a power of 2  */
       assert(1 == n || m2 == n);           /* check array index within bound  */
    /* The Cooley-Tukey multiple column algorithm, see page 124 of Loan.
       x[] is input data, overwritten by output, viewed as n/n2 by n2
       array. flag = 1 for forward and -1 for backward transform.
    void cooley_tukey(complex x[], int n, int flag, int n2)
       complex c;
       int i, j, k, m, p, n1;
       int Ls, ks, ms, jm, dk;
       real wr, wi, tr, ti;
       n1 = n/n2;                               /* do bit reversal permutation */
       for(k = 0; k < n1; ++k) {        /* This is algorithms 1.5.1 and 1.5.2. */
          j = 0;
          m = k;
          p = 1;                               /* p = 2^q,  q used in the book */
          while(p < n1) {
             j = 2*j + (m&1);
             m >>= 1;
             p <<= 1;
          assert(p == n1);                   /* make sure n1 is a power of two */
          if(j > k) {
             for(i = 0; i < n2; ++i) {                     /* swap k <-> j row */
                c = x[k*n2+i];                              /* for all columns */
                x[k*n2+i] = x[j*n2+i];
                x[j*n2+i] = c;
                                                  /* This is (3.1.7), page 124 */
       p = 1;
       while(p < n1) {
          Ls = p;
          p <<= 1;
          jm = 0;                                                /* jm is j*n2 */
          dk = p*n2;
          for(j = 0; j < Ls; ++j) {
             wr = cos(M_PI*j/Ls);                   /* real and imaginary part */
             wi = -flag * sin(M_PI*j/Ls);                      /* of the omega */
             for(k = jm; k < n; k += dk) {                      /* "butterfly" */
                ks = k + Ls*n2;
                for(i = 0; i < n2; ++i) {                      /* for each row */
                   m = k + i;
                   ms = ks + i;
                   tr =  wr*x[ms].Re - wi*x[ms].Im;
                   ti =  wr*x[ms].Im + wi*x[ms].Re;
                   x[ms].Re = x[m].Re - tr;
                   x[ms].Im = x[m].Im - ti;
                   x[m].Re += tr;
                   x[m].Im += ti;
             jm += n2;
    /* 1D Fourier transform:
       Simply call stockham with proper arguments.
       Allocated working space of size n dynamically.
    void fft(complex x[], int n, int flag)
       complex *y;
       assert(1 == flag || -1 == flag);
       y = (complex *) malloc( n*sizeof(complex) );
       assert(NULL != y);
       stockham(x, n, flag, 1, y);
    /* 3D Fourier transform:
       The index for x[m] is mapped to (i,j,k) by
       m = k + n3*j + n3*n2*i, i.e. the row major convention of C.
       All indices start from 0.
       This algorithm requires working space of n2*n3.
       Stockham is efficient, good stride feature, but takes extra
       memory same size as input data; Cooley-Tukey is in place,
       so we take a compromise of the two.
    void fft2D(complex x[], int n1, int n2, int flag)
       complex *y;
       int i, n;
       assert(1 == flag || -1 == flag);
       n = n1*n2;
       y = (complex *) malloc( n2*sizeof(complex) );
       assert(NULL != y);
       for(i=0; i < n; i += n2) {                                  /* FFT in y */
          stockham(x+i, n2, flag, 1, y);
       cooley_tukey(x, n, flag, n2);                               /* FFT in x */
    void fft3D(complex x[], int n1, int n2, int n3, int flag)
       complex *y;
       int i, n, n23;
       assert(1 == flag || -1 == flag);
       n23 = n2*n3;
       n = n1*n23;
       y = (complex *) malloc( n23*sizeof(complex) );
       assert(NULL != y);
       for(i=0; i < n; i += n3) {                                  /* FFT in z */
          stockham(x+i, n3, flag, 1, y);
       for(i=0; i < n; i += n23) {                                 /* FFT in y */
          stockham(x+i, n23, flag, n3, y);
       cooley_tukey(x, n, flag, n23);                              /* FFT in x */
    Could someone test it and tell me if it's OK? In my tests (with random numbers) it worked OK.

  8. #8
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    Actually what I want to do is to convolute two 3D arrays. So I wrote the following code:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <assert.h>
    #define N 4
    #define  REALSIZE     8                                  /* in units of byte */
    typedef double real;                 /* can be long double, double, or float */
    typedef struct { real Re; real Im; }  complex;         /* for complex number */
                                         /* Mathematical functions and constants */
    #undef M_PI
    #if (REALSIZE==16)
    #define sin  sinl
    #define cos  cosl
    #define fabs  fabsl
    #define M_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795L
    #define M_PI 3.1415926535897932385E0
    void fft(complex x[], int n, int flag);
    void fft2D(complex x[], int n1, int n2, int flag);
    void fft3D(complex x[], int n1, int n2, int n3, int flag);
    /* Truncated Stockham algorithm for multi-column vector,
           X(n1,n2) <- F_n1 X(n1,n2)
       x[] input data of size n, viewed as n1 = n/n2 by n2 dimensional
       array, flag =+1 forward transform, -1 for backward transform, y[] is
       working space, which must be n in size.  This function is supposed
       to be internal (static), not used by application.  Note that the
       terminology of column or row respect to algorithms in the Loan's
       book is reversed, because we use row major convention of C.
    static void stockham(complex x[], int n, int flag, int n2, complex y[])
       complex  *y_orig, *tmp;
       int  i, j, k, k2, Ls, r, jrs;
       int  half, m, m2;
       real  wr, wi, tr, ti;
       y_orig = y;
       r = half = n >> 1;
       Ls = 1;                                         /* Ls=L/2 is the L star */
       while(r >= n2) {                              /* loops log2(n/n2) times */
          tmp = x;                           /* swap pointers, y is always old */
          x = y;                                   /* x is always for new data */
          y = tmp;
          m = 0;                        /* m runs over first half of the array */
          m2 = half;                             /* m2 for second half, n2=n/2 */
          for(j = 0; j < Ls; ++j) {
             wr = cos(M_PI*j/Ls);                   /* real and imaginary part */
             wi = -flag * sin(M_PI*j/Ls);                      /* of the omega */
             jrs = j*(r+r);
             for(k = jrs; k < jrs+r; ++k) {           /* "butterfly" operation */
                k2 = k + r;
                tr =  wr*y[k2].Re - wi*y[k2].Im;      /* complex multiply, w*y */
                ti =  wr*y[k2].Im + wi*y[k2].Re;
                x[m].Re = y[k].Re + tr;
                x[m].Im = y[k].Im + ti;
                x[m2].Re = y[k].Re - tr;
                x[m2].Im = y[k].Im - ti;
          r  >>= 1;
          Ls <<= 1;
       if (y != y_orig) {                     /* copy back to permanent memory */
          for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) {               /* if it is not already there */
             y[i] = x[i];               /* performed only if log2(n/n2) is odd */
       assert(Ls == n/n2);                        /* ensure n is a power of 2  */
       assert(1 == n || m2 == n);           /* check array index within bound  */
    /* The Cooley-Tukey multiple column algorithm, see page 124 of Loan.
       x[] is input data, overwritten by output, viewed as n/n2 by n2
       array. flag = 1 for forward and -1 for backward transform.
    void cooley_tukey(complex x[], int n, int flag, int n2)
       complex c;
       int i, j, k, m, p, n1;
       int Ls, ks, ms, jm, dk;
       real wr, wi, tr, ti;
       n1 = n/n2;                               /* do bit reversal permutation */
       for(k = 0; k < n1; ++k) {        /* This is algorithms 1.5.1 and 1.5.2. */
          j = 0;
          m = k;
          p = 1;                               /* p = 2^q,  q used in the book */
          while(p < n1) {
             j = 2*j + (m&1);
             m >>= 1;
             p <<= 1;
          assert(p == n1);                   /* make sure n1 is a power of two */
          if(j > k) {
             for(i = 0; i < n2; ++i) {                     /* swap k <-> j row */
                c = x[k*n2+i];                              /* for all columns */
                x[k*n2+i] = x[j*n2+i];
                x[j*n2+i] = c;
                                                  /* This is (3.1.7), page 124 */
       p = 1;
       while(p < n1) {
          Ls = p;
          p <<= 1;
          jm = 0;                                                /* jm is j*n2 */
          dk = p*n2;
          for(j = 0; j < Ls; ++j) {
             wr = cos(M_PI*j/Ls);                   /* real and imaginary part */
             wi = -flag * sin(M_PI*j/Ls);                      /* of the omega */
             for(k = jm; k < n; k += dk) {                      /* "butterfly" */
                ks = k + Ls*n2;
                for(i = 0; i < n2; ++i) {                      /* for each row */
                   m = k + i;
                   ms = ks + i;
                   tr =  wr*x[ms].Re - wi*x[ms].Im;
                   ti =  wr*x[ms].Im + wi*x[ms].Re;
                   x[ms].Re = x[m].Re - tr;
                   x[ms].Im = x[m].Im - ti;
                   x[m].Re += tr;
                   x[m].Im += ti;
             jm += n2;
    /* 1D Fourier transform:
       Simply call stockham with proper arguments.
       Allocated working space of size n dynamically.
    void fft(complex x[], int n, int flag)
       complex *y;
       assert(1 == flag || -1 == flag);
       y = (complex *) malloc( n*sizeof(complex) );
       assert(NULL != y);
       stockham(x, n, flag, 1, y);
    /* 3D Fourier transform:
       The index for x[m] is mapped to (i,j,k) by
       m = k + n3*j + n3*n2*i, i.e. the row major convention of C.
       All indices start from 0.
       This algorithm requires working space of n2*n3.
       Stockham is efficient, good stride feature, but takes extra
       memory same size as input data; Cooley-Tukey is in place,
       so we take a compromise of the two.
    void fft2D(complex x[], int n1, int n2, int flag)
       complex *y;
       int i, n;
       assert(1 == flag || -1 == flag);
       n = n1*n2;
       y = (complex *) malloc( n2*sizeof(complex) );
       assert(NULL != y);
       for(i=0; i < n; i += n2) {                                  /* FFT in y */
          stockham(x+i, n2, flag, 1, y);
       cooley_tukey(x, n, flag, n2);                               /* FFT in x */
    void fft3D(complex x[], int n1, int n2, int n3, int flag)
       complex *y;
       int i, n, n23;
       assert(1 == flag || -1 == flag);
       n23 = n2*n3;
       n = n1*n23;
       y = (complex *) malloc( n23*sizeof(complex) );
       assert(NULL != y);
       for(i=0; i < n; i += n3) {                                  /* FFT in z */
          stockham(x+i, n3, flag, 1, y);
       for(i=0; i < n; i += n23) {                                 /* FFT in y */
          stockham(x+i, n23, flag, n3, y);
       cooley_tukey(x, n, flag, n23);                              /* FFT in x */
    int main()
        double a[N][N][N], b[N][N][N], e[N][N][N], x[N*N*N], y[N*N*N], w[N*N*N];
        int i,j,k,pl=1, b1[N][N][N];
        complex z[N*N*N], l[4*N*N*N], m[4*N*N*N], n[4*N*N*N];
        srand((unsigned) time(NULL));
        //initialization of a
        for(i=0;i<N;i++,printf("\nNew window\n"))
        //initialization of z
        printf("\n\ninit e\n\n");
        for(i=0;i<N;i++,printf("\nNew window\n"))
        //make a in a 1D array
                    z[k + N*j + N*N*i].Re=a[i][j][k];
                    z[k + N*j + N*N*i].Im=0;
        //make e in a 1D array
                    n[k + N*j + N*N*i].Re=e[i][j][k];
                    n[k + N*j + N*N*i].Im=0;
        //let it loop 4 times
        //let it loop 4 times
        fft3D(l, N, N, N, 1);
        fft3D(m, N, N, N, 1);
                m[i*N*N*N+j].Re=l[i*N*N*N+j].Re*m[i*N*N*N+j].Re - l[i*N*N*N+j].Im*m[i*N*N*N+j].Im;
                m[i*N*N*N+j].Re=l[i*N*N*N+j].Re*m[i*N*N*N+j].Im + l[i*N*N*N+j].Im*m[i*N*N*N+j].Re;
        fft3D(m, N, N, N, -1);
        //make it iN a 3D array
                    b1[i][j][k]=m[k + N*j + N*N*i].Re;
        int o = a[0][0][0]/b[0][0][0];
        for(i=0;i<N;i++,printf("\nNew window\n"))
                    if(a[i][j][k] / b[i][j][k] == o)
        else   printf("BULL........S!!!! %d\n\n",pl);
        return 0;
    Could somebody test it (compare it with the results of the FFTW) and inform me?

    Thanks a lot in advance!

  9. #9
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    > Could somebody test it (compare it with the results of the FFTW) and inform me?
    And you're too busy because....?

    This is help and advice, not some free source of labour.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  10. #10
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    I didn't say I that busy... I just said (if you read the posts above) that I don't know how to implement the FFTW algorithm in my program for testing.

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