I have a little problem with a lotto program. I have the source code and when i put it in the compiler it gives me some errors. The program should do something like this: take the last draw of a 6 49 lottery, break all 6 numbers in all 15 pairs, and then search each pair in the past draws to see where has hit recently. It shows how many draws elapsed since last hit. The source code is like this:

// Here i see the 1-15 pirs 
int int0, int1, int2, int3, int4, int5, int6; 
int pair[15][3]; 
int foundul=0; 
for (int0=0; int0<15; int0++) { pair[int0][0]=0; pair[int0][1]=0; pair[int0][2]=0; } 
// until here i make for each draw (ik) a new matrix, with zero all the values; 
// starting from here i make the matrix of the pairs, according to history draws... this function executes each time ik changes, for every draw, 
//starting from ik+1 to the end... (in my case 912). Normaly this 912 must be a variable, or input from keyboard by user,
for (int3=(ik+1); int3<912; int3++) 
             for (int4=0; int4<6; int4++) 
               for (int5=0; int5<6; int5++) 
        if (int4!=int5) 
         for (int1=0; int1<6; int1++) 
                 for (int2=0; int2<6; int2++) 
            if ((tabel[ik][int1]==tabel[int3][int4])&&(tabel[ik][int2]==tabel[int3][int5])&&(int1!=int2)) 
          int found=0; 
            for (int6=0; int6<15; int6++) 
                if ((tabel[int3][int4]==pair[int6][0])&&(tabel[int3][int5]==pair[int6][1])) found=found+1; 
                if ((tabel[int3][int4]==pair[int6][1])&&(tabel[int3][int5]==pair[int6][0])) found=found+1; 
           if (found==0) foundul=foundul+1; 
           if (found==0) pair[foundul-1][0]=tabel[ik][int1]; 
           if (found==0) pair[foundul-1][1]=tabel[ik][int2]; 
           if (found==0) pair[foundul-1][2]=(int3-ik); 
 // here i print the pairs  
int int13; 
 for (int13=0; int13<15; int13++) 
   fprintf (fp, "\n%d %d   %d     pair no %d", pair[int13][0], pair[int13][1], pair[int13][2], int13); 
// Here i finish the 1-15 pairs
And the result should look like this:
pool no 1
12 44 2 pair no 0
30 44 12 pair no 1
30 49 24 pair no 2

12 44 is the pair
2 is the draws when last hit.

Thank you for your answers !