Thread: General question about undefined behavior

  1. #46
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2013
    United States
    Well, I got a interesting reply on comp.os.msdos.djgpp.... from someone there. He made some the same complaints about my code , as everyone did here, but he did make one suggestion that I thought I would share here :

    My next guess would be that your buffers sizes are too small or
    incorrect. Does changing PARSE_SIZE_LIMIT to a larger value, say
    512 or 4096, fix the problem? If so, your buffers are too small.


    Other suggestions or possible issues in the code below.

    > #define PARSE_SIZE_LIMIT 81

    #define PARSE_SIZE_LIMIT 81

    This should probably be split into two defines. This is to make
    sure the allocated buffer or character array is _always_ larger
    than the quantity read or written to the buffer. Use one define
    for the character arrays and another for the buffer size. They
    should be slightly larger by at least two chars for the DOS

    #define PARSE_SIZE_LIMIT 80
    #define BUFFER_SIZE 82

    So, any place you declare a variable that used PARSE_SIZE_LIMIT,
    it would be changed to use BUFFER_SIZE:

    char variable[PARSE_SIZE_LIMIT]

    char variable[BUFFER_SIZE]

    This would be done for the declarations of the following
    target, worda, uword in main()
    subject in string_parser()
    line in kfgets()

    Leave the other non-declaration uses of PARSE_SIZE_LIMIT alone.
    I am not sure if GCC in DJGPP treats my newline character as it is in Linux (LF) or in MS-DOS (CR\LF).. since it is GCC ported from linux. He also forgot to +1 for the null character '\0'.

  2. #47
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2013
    United States
    Heres a good guide ( although they didn't provide a example to show it ) for strtok();

    strtok -

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