Please help. I learning about function with return pointer value.

The function is supposed to return value from the file in my main, but I am getting empty value.

I am trying to get better with pointer. Right now just teaching myself. Please help.

right now the only way for this code to show value is when in put the putchar(*ps) inside my readfile function. I would like to readfile to return value and print in the main function.

Thanks again everyone..for reading.and helping out.

#include <stdio.h>

char *readfile(char filename[]);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]  ) {
  char output[400];
  char *pout;
  pout = output;
  pout = readfile(argv[1]);
  printf("%c\n", *pout++);

//this is the function that takes file name.... and return pointers.
char *readfile(char filename[] ) {
  char c;
  char string[400];
  char *ps;
  ps = string;
  FILE *myfile;
  int x;

  myfile = fopen(filename, "r");
  while ((c=fgetc(myfile)) != EOF){
      *ps = c;

 return ps;
