Hello everyone!
My name is Or Ellenbogen and im new to the C language (also my first language) and to this community

I bought myself a book from the local bookstore to start learning the language and today I faced my first problem while created a very simple and basic program for practice.

The target of the program is to ask the user to input a number > \ < 0 and tell him if it is positive or negative, and after doing so - ask him if to repeat the process.

After running the program I noticed my loop is stuck (the while loop I guess) and can't get the getchar(); command right.

Here's the code:

#include <stdio.h>
void main()
int x;
char ch;
printf("Please enter your number: ");
scanf("%d" , &x);
if (x > 0) 
	printf("Your number is positive!\n");

else if (x < 0)
	printf("Your number is negative!\n");

while (x > 0 || x < 0) {
	printf("Enter another number?\n");
	ch = getchar();
	if (ch='y') {
		printf("Please enter your number: ");
		scanf("%d" , &x);
		if (x > 0) 
	printf("Your number is positive!\n");

else if (x < 0)
	printf("Your number is negative!\n");
		printf("Thank u for using my software, good bye!\n");

I'll appreciate your help very much

thank you !