Hey guys, I am just having trouble with using time, I have a basic program that basicly works out shift timings for each pers, I am having an issue getting it to display the time in general, for example:

if one person was to start 1100h and work for say 2hours or 120mins, I obviously I can't just add the two together without a little math and get 1300h. (Due to changing values a math formular wouldn't work)

I have integers representing the time and time each person needs to work that do change depending on input from user. So basicly if someone could help me out with some code that will represent time depending on input and the required code that will add another input (required time to work(say 120mins)) giving a final result of a start time and finish time.

Sorry if this is as clear as mud, I would post my code so u have a better idea but I am on phone waiting for an X-ray :/

Thanks heaps