The menu I created for this project isn't seamless in the slightest.
Below are the assignment guidelines, current code, then questions.
Sample Output of teacher's program last.

A. int main()
This is your main program. main() should perform the following tasks:

1. Print a welcome message.
2. Print a menu of options, including one to quit the program.
3. Prompt the user to choose a valid option.
4. Get the choice from the user.
5. Repeat this task until the user chooses a valid option.
6. If the user chooses the option to quit, the program ends.
7. If the user chooses a valid option, the function corresponding to that function
is executed.
8. Once the function returns, the menu is redisplayed and the user is again
prompted to choose an option. Steps 2 through 7 are repeated until the
program ends.

Some specific coding requirements/suggestions:

1. You must appropriately use a do/while loop in the main() function.
2. You must appropriately use a switch statement in the main() function.

int main( )
	int a;	
	printf("Hello and welcome to my project!\n");
		printf("Please choose an option.\n\n1 - Sum of even integers\n2 - Sum of dollar amounts");
		printf("\n3 - Factorial of a number\n\nQ - Quit\n\nEnter your choice: ");
		switch (a)
			case 1:
				sumIntegers ();
			case 2:
				sumDoubles ();
			case 3:
				calcFactorial ();
				printf("\nYour input was not recognized.\n\n");
	}while (a != 'Q');

Question) With each option corresponding to a number (1,2,3), how do I get Quit (Q) recognized?

***Sample Output***
Welcome To Assignment #2

Please choose from the following options:

1 - Sum of even integers
2 - Sum of dollar amounts
3 - Factorial of a number
Q - Quit

Enter your choice (1, 2, 3, Q): 0
*** You entered an invalid choice!!! ***

Please choose from the following options:

1 - Sum of even integers
2 - Sum of dollar amounts
3 - Factorial of a number

Q - Quit

Enter your choice (1, 2, 3, Q): 4
*** You entered an invalid choice!!! ***

Please choose from the following options:

1 - Sum of even integers
2 - Sum of dollar amounts
3 - Factorial of a number

Q - Quit

Enter your choice (1, 2, 3, Q): q
*** You entered an invalid choice!!! ***

Please choose from the following options:

1 - Sum of even integers
2 - Sum of dollar amounts
3 - Factorial of a number

Q - Quit

Enter your choice (1, 2, 3, Q): 1
I want to sum up some even integers.

Enter an integer: -44
*** Negative numbers are invalid! ***

Enter an integer: 6
The even numbers up to 6 sum to 12.

Thank you for playing!
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