Thread: Freeing memory from dynamically allocated array of linked lists

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Freeing memory from dynamically allocated array of linked lists

    Hi folks,
    Having some frustrating issues trying to free memory from a dynamically allocated array of pointers to linked lists. I think the problem is in how I initialize the pointers to NULL. Is there a more elegant way to have the program recognize that the list is empty so it knows to create a head node for the linked list in the function 'add_end_stub_to_array'?

    I ran the code through Valgrind and it says that memory is definitely lost from this array. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    This is the structure definition.
    struct stub_edge {
          int loc_id;
          int anim_type;
          int mkt;
          struct stub_edge *next_node;
    Here is the code snippet from main allocating and deallocating memory to the array.
    struct stub_edge **stub_list = (struct stub_edge **)malloc( sizeof(struct stub_edge *) * 12);
    for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
         stub_list[i] = (struct stub_edge *)malloc(sizeof(struct stub_edge));
         stub_list[i] = NULL;
    stub_list = add_end_stub_to_array(end_stubs, stub_list);
    Here the function for adding nodes to the lists by reading through a dynamically allocated 2D array. (The end_stubs array is ordered by month and each linked list represents events occuring within the month).
    struct stub_edge **add_end_stub_to_array(int **end_stubs, struct stub_edge **list)
       long int i = 0;
       int mon = 0;
       struct stub_edge *current_node1;
       struct stub_edge *new_node1;
       int break1 = 0;
       while(i < num_edges && break1 == 0 && mon < 12)
             current_node1 = list[mon];
             if(current_node1 == NULL && end_stubs[i][1] == mon)
                   current_node1 = (struct stub_edge*)malloc(sizeof( struct stub_edge ));           
                   current_node1 -> loc_id = end_stubs[i][0];
                   current_node1 -> anim_type = end_stubs[i][2];
                   current_node1 -> mkt = end_stubs[i][5];
                   current_node1 -> next_node = NULL;          
                   i = i + 1;
                   list[mon] = current_node1;
             while( end_stubs[i][1] == mon && break1 == 0 )
                   new_node1 = (struct stub_edge*)malloc(sizeof( struct stub_edge ));           
                   new_node1 -> loc_id = end_stubs[i][0];
                   new_node1 -> anim_type = end_stubs[i][2];
                   new_node1 -> mkt = end_stubs[i][5];
                   new_node1 -> next_node = NULL;
                   current_node1 -> next_node = new_node1;
                   current_node1 = new_node1;
                   i = i + 1;
                   if(i == num_edges)
                         break1 = 1;
                         i = 0;
             mon = mon + 1;

    Here is the function for freeing memory from the list.
    void destroy_end_stub_array(struct stub_edge **list)
       if(list != NULL)
            int mon = 0;  
            struct stub_edge *current_node1;
            struct stub_edge *new_node1;
            for(mon = 0; mon < 12; mon++)
                 current_node1 = list[mon];
                 while(current_node1 != NULL)
                      new_node1 = current_node1 -> next_node;
                      current_node1 = new_node1;
    Last edited by NotAProgrammer; 02-26-2013 at 09:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    I think I just solved my own problem. I shouldn't have malloc'ed memory to the array pointers when initializing the array because I then lose that memory when I allocate a new head node to the list. (Face palm).

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