Sorry about that. Totally should've included the Haversine formula. Here it is:

const double PI = 3.14159;

double Radians(double value)
double radians = value * PI / 180.0;
return radians;

double Haversine( double dlatitude1, double dlongitude1, double dlatitude2, double dlongitude2, double radius )
double dLatitude = Radians(dlatitude2-dlatitude1);
double dLongitude = Radians(dlongitude2-dlongitude1);
double  nA = pow ( sin(dLatitude/2.0), 2.0 ) + cos(Radians(dlatitude1)) *  cos(Radians(dlatitude2)) * pow ( sin(dLongitude/2.0), 2.0 );
double nC = 2.0 * atan2( sqrt(nA), sqrt( 1.0 - nA ));
double distance = radius * nC;
return distance; 
I'm basically looking to understand how to use the Haversine formula to calculate the distances. I'm able to print out all airports and their coordinates from the data file at this point. Just not too sure how to use the formula and print out the total distance between SFO and all other airports.

I placed the Haversine formula at the bottom of the code and not too sure where to go from there.

Thanks for the feedback Salem I'll give that a try. Really appreciate the feedback.