Hi all.

I have a problem with a pointer and a bidimensional array.
here's the code:


typedef char t_board[5][4];
int i,j;

t_board *copy (t_board b) {
t_board *ptr;

        ptr = (t_board *) malloc (sizeof(t_board));
        for (i=0; i<5; i++)
            for (j=0; j<4; j++)
                  *ptr[i][j] = b[i][j];

        return ptr;

int main () {
t_board some_board, *new_board;

       new_board = copy(some_board);
            code here

After this, I print new_board, and its ok; but the following code after
the call to copy, crashes. Don't know why.
if I remove the statment new_board = copy(some_board); , the code that follows runs ok.
Can someone tell me why?