I am making a poker hand evaluator, the coursework is to read a 5 hand input i.e 3H 4H 5H 6H 7H, then; 1, give a text description of the hand and 2 tell the score of the hand. I've split each card into 2 variables so we can looks for straights or flushes allot easier. I have card1value....card5value and card1suit...card5suit. I would like to eb able to put card1value..card5 value into an array soI can perform a bubble sort algorithm on them. How can I do this?

By the way, I've only been taught C as part of a module at uni for 3 months, so I'm new to it, so I don't know if this is doable or just a limitation of C.

Thank you ever so much for your help in advance