Hello, I'm working on some wacky shared memory using application for Unix.

Here is the thing, I use shmget and shmat to create and attach a shared memory block, but making it an array of structures.

The structure:
struct object{
   char nick[16];
   pid_t pid;
   key_t queue;
} *mem, *p;
SHM declaration:
if( (mem = (struct object*)shmat((key_t)argv[1], (void*)0, 0)) == (void*)-1 )        {
                  shmget((key_t)argv[1], SHMSIZE*sizeof(struct object), IPC_CREAT | 0666);
                  mem = (struct object*)shmat( (key_t)argv[1], (void*)0 , 0);
And now the problematic part. I'm using this loop to browse through this thing.
for(p = mem; p< &mem[SHMSIZE]); p++)        {
                key = ftok(".", randomize());  //randomize just provides a random integer from dev/random
                msgid = msgget(key, IPC_CREAT);

                p->nick = getenv("USERNAME");
                printf("%s", p->nick);
                p->pid = getpid();
                p->queue = msgid;
But this one just doesn't work. Any suggestions please?