Thread: Website where I can find CS 108 (Program solving and program design in C) chapter rev

  1. #1
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    Website where I can find CS 108 (Program solving and program design in C) chapter rev

    Does anyone know any website where I can review for test, or find chapter reviews or anything that could help me with my review for my exam on CS. The CS book that I'm currently using is (Program solving and program design in C) but I guess almost all freshman CS books are more or less same and has all the basic chapters. So plzzzzz any help will be highly appreciated. I'm in freshman CS course.

  2. #2
    Bored Programmer
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    UC Berkeley Webcasts | Video and Podcasts: Events by Category has alot of good lectures that I enjoy.

    but i guess almost all freshman CS books are more or less same and has all the basic chapters
    Just google CS 108 and it appears that there are alot of different classes some in Python, Some in Java, some in Unix. I would guess your search is going to be more school specific than you think and probably Professor specific as well.

    I imagine you are very concerned with finals coming up, but I would think that the most important tool for passing your exam is the book that you already possess.
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  3. #3
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    Website where I can find CS 108 (Program solving and program design in C) chapter rev - Dev Shed
    I sometimes wonder just how much time people spend trawling the net, finding forums to post on, signing up, posting threads, checking back every so often, etc etc.

    As opposed to just buckling down and doing some actual work to study the material at hand.
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    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

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