Ok here's a good question. So this is the tutorial on this site for traversing a linked list:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>struct node {  int x;  struct node *next;};int main(){    /* This won't change, or we would lose the list in memory */    struct node *root;           /* This will point to each node as it traverses the list */    struct node *conductor;      root = malloc( sizeof(struct node) );      root->next = 0;       root->x = 12;    conductor = root;     if ( conductor != 0 ) {        while ( conductor->next != 0)        {            conductor = conductor->next;        }    }    /* Creates a node at the end of the list */    conductor->next = malloc( sizeof(struct node) );      conductor = conductor->next;     if ( conductor == 0 )    {        printf( "Out of memory" );        return 0;    }    /* initialize the new memory */    conductor->next = 0;             conductor->x = 42;    return 0; }
But what if you have this:

struct node {
  char string[80];  struct node *next; };
I put that in the struct, but then pointing to it in the example like this:

root->string = 12;
Does not work. I'm replacing the int x with the char[80];

Any ideas?