Thread: Problem with my function that reads from a text file

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Problem with my function that reads from a text file

    I have a function that should read the a text file I have and store the information in a structure.
    The text files are structured in this kind of format
    number of views| bunch of words title | username
    number of views| bunch of words title | username
    number of views| bunch of words title | username
    Where each section is delimited by a '|'.
    Here is the structure.
    struct table {
      char *name[MAX];
      char *title[MAX];
      int views[MAX];
      struct table *prev,*next;
    and here is the function
     void info(FILE *file, struct table* new){
        int c,flag = 0,value,index=0,j;
        char title[150], user[100];
          c = 0;j=0;
          while(c=getc(file)&&c!=EOF && c!='|'){
          value = 10* value + c;}
        value =0;
        while(c=getc(file)&&c!=EOF && c!='|'){
        while(c=getc(file)&&c!=EOF && c!='|'&& c!='\n'){
    The problem is that for some reason this goes into an infinite loop and I cannot even fill 1 structure. I am not even sure if the function works correctly.

    Comments, suggestions, and feedback would help immensely. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I would use fscanf(fp, "%[^|] %[^|] etc. ,and take the data right into your struct members,

    This is an example of using sscanf(), where the record members are separated by commas and one space:
     sscanf(buff, "%[^,], %[^,], %[^,], %d ", videos[i].title,videos[i].actor,videos[i].genra,&videos[i].rating);
          //printf(" title: %s\n  actors: %s\n   genra: %s\n  rating: %d\n\n",
            // videos[i].title,videos[i].actor,videos[i].genra,videos[i].rating); getchar();
    The print out line is just to confirm that you got what you thought you got, during development. fscanf() has the same data format specifiers, and return type.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Oct 2012
    I am trying to train myself to use lower level functions such as getc so that I have more control over what's happening.

    The idea is that after having a grasp at lower level functions, I can use the higher level ones such as those you mentioned.

    For some reason when even when
    c = '|'
    the first while loop does not terminate. I tried changing the condition to c!=124 which is the int value that represents | but the loop still does not terminate and only terminates when c==EOF I'm guessing.

    Any idea what could be wrong?
    Last edited by workisnotfun; 11-18-2012 at 06:51 PM.

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by workisnotfun View Post
    The problem is that for some reason this goes into an infinite loop and I cannot even fill 1 structure.
    The assignment operator (=) has lower precedence than the logical and operator (&&). Thus

    while(c=getc(file)&&c!=EOF && c!='|')
    is seen by the compiler as (parentheses in red added for clarity)
    while ( c = (getc(file) && c != EOF && c != '|'))
    i.e. you assign the result of the whole expression to "c".

    You have to put parentheses around c = getc(file).

    I recommend using more spaces in your code and putting only one statement on each line. This would make your code easier to read.

    Bye, Andreas

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