Basically I'm trying to create a program that outputs a binary tree in the form of X's. If the X doesn't belong it outputs a -. This is what I got so far. Any help would be greatly appreciative as I'm not that advanced and need to do this asap lol.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define element 64

void makeTree(int left, int right, char array[][element], int depth, int terminate);
void display(char array[][element], int depth);

int main()
int row=7, left=0, right, depth, terminate, i, j;

char array[row][element];

    right = pow(2, row);
    depth = 0;
    printf("row %d element %d", row, element);

    makeTree(left, right, array, depth, terminate);
    display(array, depth);

void makeTree(int left, int right, char array[][element], int depth, int terminate)

    if (depth==terminate)
    else {
        makeTree(left, (right+left)/2, array, depth++, terminate);
        makeTree((right+left)/2+1, right, array, depth++, terminate);


void display(char array[][element], int depth){
  int i, j;

  for(i = 0; i < depth; i++){
    for(j = 0; j < element; j++){
      if(array[i][j] == 'x')
    printf("%c", array[i][j]);