Hello, i am having a problem with the strcmp function. It seems that it always returns 0 even when the two strings are different. This is a snippet of the code i am using:

int results( char file[])
     FILE  *results;
     char  line[BUFSIZ];
     if((results=fopen(file, "r")) ==NULL)
        printf("Could not open file\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
     while( fgets(line, sizeof line, results) !=NULL )
        sscanf(line,"%s %i %i %s %i %i", team1, &goal1, &behind1, team2, &goal2, &behind2);
        //printf("%s %i %i %s %i %i\n", team1, goal1, behind1, team2, goal2, behind2);
           if(strcmp(teamnames[0],team1) == 0);
printf("games = %i\n", countgames);
The count should be at no more than 12 when i call the printf function, however it says the count has reached 59. What exactly have i done wrong?