I need to make a boxcar average for analog to digital conversions. I cannot do this when one array won't copy into another.

for(Channel = 0; Channel <= ADC1_NUM_OF_CHANNELS - 1;Channel++) 
                        ADC1_Val[Channel][ADC1_DIM2Counter] = ADC1_DMA1C1_Base[Channel];

First data IS loaded correctly into ADC1_DMA1C1_Base, when I step through the for loop, the data is NOT transferred correctly to my 2 Dim array, any ideas why? Data is close but not correct. Off by anywhere for 2% to 50%. Sometimes the data is correct.

Each time the loop is executed, ADC1_DIM2Counter increments by 1, but I can't even get the loop to execute once without the numbers in both arrays being different. So the second dimension can essentially be ignored.

Both arrays are same size in terms of member size. (16 bits)

Any thoughts?