
I am a beginner for C Programming and is taking an introductory course over the summer. Right now I'm having some trouble with this programming assignment where it asks me to enter a resistance and voltage value for the input in order to calculate the min, max, and avg values for the voltage, current, and power across a network of resistors by using arrays and functions. But when I tried to compile my program, it crashes when I enter any input values. Here is my code below:

#include <stdio.h>

int ReadRes(int n, double *r, double *v);                                                // The function that will read the resistance and voltage. *r and *v are pointers while n is the resistor #.

void MinMaxAvg(double x[], int n, double *min, double *max, double *avg);                // The function that will calculate the quantities for each input as the pointers included in this function will end up being used to calculate the outputs.

int main ()    {
double R, V, I_min, P_min, V_min, I_max, P, P_max, V_max, I_avg, P_avg, V_avg;
double I; // Current values
int n; // # of elements in array

/* R and V are the resistance and voltage values to be entered by the user. 
    The other declared double variables will be used to calculate the min, max, and avg for current and power. */

for (n = 1; n <= 20; n++)    {
"Enter R and V for resistor %d: ", n);
        ReadRes(n, &R, &V);
// Calculate min, max, and average values for current
        MinMaxAvg(&V, n, &V_min, &V_max, &V_avg);
        I = V / R;
        MinMaxAvg(&I, n, &I_min, &I_max, &I_avg);
        P = V * I;
        MinMaxAvg(&P, n, &P_min, &P_max, &P_avg);
        printf("    Voltage        Current        Power\n");
         printf("MIN       %.4lf   %.4lf   %.4lf\n", V_min, I_min, P_min);
        printf("MAX       %.4lf   %.4lf   %.4lf\n", V_max, I_max, P_max);
        printf("AVG       %.4lf   %.4lf   %.4lf\n", V_avg, I_avg, P_avg);
return 0;

int ReadRes(int n, double *r, double *v)    {
int scanfRetVal = scanf("%lf %lf", *r, *v);
while (1)    {
if (*r > 0)    {
if (scanfRetVal < 2)    {
return -1;
if (scanfRetVal == EOF)    {
return 0;                        // Indicates no valid data read
return 1;
    printf("Error: R must be greater than 0\n");

void MinMaxAvg(double x[], int n, double *min, double *max, double *avg)    {
int i;
double sum;
    sum = 0;
    *min = x[0];
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)    {
if (x[i] < *min)
            *min = x[i];
    *max = x[0];
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)    {
if (x[i] > *max)
            *max = x[i];
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)    {
        sum += x[i];
    *avg = sum / n;

Another thing to note about this program is that when the user enters CTRL-Z to end the loop, the main program should look at the return value from ReadRes() function and use it to determine what to do next.

In case you need to know what the output of this program should turn out to be it should look something like this:

Attachment 11910

So what's causing my program to crash? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.