Thread: Linked list example with a pointer to pointer

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Linked list example with a pointer to pointer


    I have a piece of code that is demonstrating a linked list. What I don't understand is what's happening in the add function.

    There is a pointer to a pointer '**q'. Further down a pointer variable is assigned 'temp = *q'
    Why do I have to use '**q' as a parameter in the add function?

    My code is:
    # include<stdio.h>
    # include<malloc.h>
    /* define the node */
    struct node {
    int         data;
    struct node *next;
    /* Add a node to the linked list */
    void add(struct node **q, int num) {
      struct node *temp;
      temp = *q;
      /* first time there is no node therefore allocate */
      if(*q==NULL) {
        *q=malloc(sizeof(struct node));
        temp = *q;
      /* add node after the last one */
      else {
        /* move on until the last node then create a new node*/
        while((temp->next)!=NULL) {
          temp = temp->next;
        temp->next = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
        temp = temp->next;
      // set data and pointer for the node, the last one always point at NULL
      temp->data = num;
      temp->next = NULL;
    /* Display the linked list */
    void display(struct node *pt) {
      // traverse through all nodes until the last one
      while(pt!=NULL) {
        printf(" Data : %d\n",pt->data);
        printf(" next : %p\n",pt->next);
        pt = pt->next;
    /* ******* MAIN ******* */
    int main() {
      int          continue_add; // used if you want to continue adding elements
      int          your_choice;  // user choice of what to do
      int          num;          // user data
      struct node *ptr;          // always pointing at the first node after first have been added
      /* init values */
      ptr          = NULL;
      continue_add = 1;
      while (continue_add == 1) {
        printf(" Main Menu\n");
        printf("   1. Add element\n");
        printf("   Enter your choice ");
        switch(your_choice) {
          case 1:
            printf(" Enter data to your node -> ");
            printf(" Illegal choice! ");
        }// switch(your_choice)
        printf(" Do you want to continue (press 1 for yes) ");
      }// while (continue_add==1)
    }// main()

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by hzcodec View Post
    There is a pointer to a pointer '**q'. Further down a pointer variable is assigned 'temp = *q'
    Why do I have to use '**q' as a parameter in the add function?
    Because C passes parameters by value and you have this:

      /* first time there is no node therefore allocate */
      if(*q==NULL) {
        *q=malloc(sizeof(struct node));
    If you just passed "ptr" then you'd have *q as an argument, which is just a pointer. If you then did
        q=malloc(sizeof(struct node));
    You'd just write over the local parameter q. When you returned to main, ptr would still be NULL. Using a pointer to a pointer allows you to change the value of the actual pointer. It's just like passing a pointer to something else.

    All the rest of add() could function with just *q, it's just that initial write.

  3. #3
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    void foo ( int a ) {
      a = 10;
    void bar ( int *a ) {
      *a = 10;
    int main ( ) {
      int fred = 0;
      foo( fred );  // does this change fred?
      bar( &fred );  // what about this one?
    If you've got a variable of type T in a function, and you want it to be modified by a called function, then you need to pass a pointer to it.
    That means the called function needs a T* parameter.

    So if your variable is already a pointer, this naturally leads to a pointer to a pointer.

    Look at line 17 in your code.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

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