Hi there, I'm fairly new to C and after doing some research I know that a lot of people said to avoid scanf and should just use gets or something.. but.. I'm going to use it for now :)

The problem is..

Here is the code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define FLUSH_STDIN while ( getchar() != '\n' )

int main(void){

    /* Clear stdout buffer */
    setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
    setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0);

    char s[80]; // Input String
    char width_c, height_c; // For storing the input
    int width, height; // For storing the input AFTER converted into int
    int area; // Area

    /* Prompt for width */
    printf("Please enter width: ");
    sscanf(s, "%s", &width_c);

    /* Check if input is digit, if not... */
        printf("Input Error: Invalid format\n");
        printf("Please enter width: ");
        sscanf(s, "%s", &width_c);

    /* Prompt for height */
    printf("Please enter height: ");
    sscanf(s, "%s", &height_c);

    /* Check if input is digit, if not... */
        printf("Input Error: Invalid format\n");
        printf("Please enter height: ");
        sscanf(s, "%s", &height_c);

    /* Convert string value into int */
    width = atoi(&width_c);
    height = atoi(&height_c);

    /* Display width and height */
    printf("Width is: %d\n", width);
    printf("Height is: %d\n", height);

    /* Calculate + print the area */
    area = width * height;
    printf("Area is: %d\n", area);

    return 0;
What I'm getting is :
Please enter width: 3
Please enter height: 4
Width is: 0
Height is: 4
Area is: 0
There was something else that I tried.. and the result was:
Please enter width: 3
Please enter height: 4
Width is: 3
Height is: 43
Area is: 129
as if the stdin buffer wasn't properly cleared.

Any tips on how I should do this? Thanks :)
P.S I'm using Eclipse CDT as IDE