I am currently writing a function that checks whether a character string contains an "F" or "M". I have tried strcmp() and a if statement. Here is the code I have tried, any help would be much appreciated.
void printFemale(Employee s[], int num) {
    int i;
    char *F;
    char female[1];
    female[0] = 'F';
    *F = female[0];
     printf( "The Female Employees Are\n");
     for( i = 0; i < num; ++i )
    Trying this statement --->   if (s[i].sex[i] == 'F')

    Also have tried ----->    if (strcmp(s[i].sex, *F) == 0){
            printf("%.2f\n", s[i].pay);
The code for the struct is as follows:
typedef struct Employee
    char first[8];
    char initial[2];
    char last[10];
    Address ad;
    int age;
    char sex[2];
    int years;
    double pay;
I have a number of other structures that work, but when checking the character in sex[2] I just seem to be missing something.

Thank you again.