I have tried:
 if (data[i].start.hour >= "1200")
and obviously it does not work for I get an error of:
comparison between pointer and integer
Is there a way to do a statement with this same process in mind? I am trying to print out a schedule for the classes the meet after 12 noon. If so, how would it be done? I have included I believe the necessary code.
typedef enum {MW, TR} days;

typedef struct {
    int hour, min;
} Time;

typedef struct {
    char Dept[5];
    int course, sect;
    days meet_days;
    Time start, end;
    char instr[20];
} sched_record;
And here is my relevant code in its for loop:
 fread(data, sizeof(sched_record), MAX_RECORD, filePointer);
            printf("Enter the Department: ");
            scanf("%s", tempDept);
            printf("Enter the Course or 0 for any course: ");
            scanf("%d", &tempCourse);
            printf("Enter the Days; M = MW, T = TTH or D=Don't Care: ");
            scanf("%s", tempDay);
            printf("Enter the Time; A=Mornings, P=Afternoons or D=Don't Care: ");
            scanf("%s", tempTime);

                for (i=0; i < MAX_RECORD; i++) {
                    if (tempCourse == 0 && (strcmp(tempDay, "D")==0) && (strcmp(tempTime, "D")==0)) {

                         if (strcmp(tempDept, data[i].Dept)==0) {
                            printf("%s %d %d %2s %02d%02d %02d%02d %s\n", data[i].Dept, data[i].course, data[i].sect, data[i].meet_days == MW ? "MW" : "TR",
                                data[i].start.hour, data[i].start.min, data[i].end.hour, data[i].end.min, data[i].instr);

                    else if (tempCourse == 0 && (strcmp(tempDay, "D")==0) && (strcmp(tempTime, "A")==0)) {

                         if (strcmp(tempDept, data[i].Dept)==0) {
                                if (data[i].start.hour >= "1200"){  // <-- THIS LINE
                                 printf("\n%s %d", data[i].Dept, data[i].course);